Mixed News in Legal Affairs Today

The bad news is that the DC Circuit Court agreed to an en banc rehearing of the Flynn case, meaning that poor General Flynn is in for at least another month of this punishing process.  If they rule in favor of Sullivan, he'll have to appeal to SCOTUS for relief, which will take even longer. 

The good news?  The couple who defended their home against BLM threats and trespassers is having the nonsense charges dropped by the Missouri AG.  (UPDATE:  The headline and opening paragraph are apparently misleading.  No good news today.  See comments.)


  1. Skeptic2:26 PM

    I followed the link to "lawenforcementtoday.com" about the MO AG 'dropping' charges, and there is no there there. This is the same story from the 20th/21st, that he has intervened as an amicus in the case. The judge selected for the case can choose to pay attention to amici or not at their own discretion. I don't see that anything as changed at all W.R.T. the prosecution of the victims here.

  2. Updated. I only read the first paragraph. Reading further in, though, it appears that you are correct.

  3. ymarsakar8:01 PM

    Mind control again. It works on sullivan vs flynn.

    They do not give up. Flynn is that dangerous. Flynn is going full q and twitter refuses to ban flynn. His lawyer is on the list.

    I dont need netflix hulu or even anime. This human show stage plot is thriller

  4. ymarsakar8:10 PM

    Also, something is wrong when two law prosecutor lawyers are going after each other, over a third lawyer s firearms.

    This is a plot straight from babylon or ymar s world, grim

  5. ymarsakar8:13 PM

    American gun owners can defeat death squads. I understand that. Can they defeat the lawyers who send swat to seize your weapons? 2nd amendment is de facto negated when you can disarm or take on the nation s paramilitary goons.

    So death squads are easy. Lawyers more dangerous.

  6. ymarsakar12:34 AM

    Grim, you only read the headline and a little bit?

    This is how fake news works, is it not so. And these are merely the "lowest" form of mind control on Earth. Consider Divine level artifacts and powers that effect these veils and mental distortions/confusions.

  7. Yeah, I was just looking for updates as quick posts. I don’t have as much time for this as once; I’ve been thinking of closing it up, in fact.
