Let Us Be Entertaining

I don’t know that I buy the hypothesis that masks provide effective screening; I wear a bandanna to try to encourage terrified people to leave home and spend money floating our economy. But hey, let’s entertain the possibility that it works. Then something like this makes sense.


  1. ymarsakar6:02 AM

    Because people aren't getting access to this information, I'll have to provide a bridge head.

    A virus is not a living organism and thus cannot be killed the way X kills bacteria or "germs".

    A virus is a nanite scale construct created by the body's own cells in reaction to certain problems in cells and organs. These viruses can be used to conduct electricity in certain applications. Electricity and voltage is important for cellular regeneration.

    Virology is obsolete and also wrong in many respects, but let's go back to the beginning. A virus was first discovered via electron microscopes when people noticed that in sick people, there were a lot of these weird particles near the cells. When people got better, the viral nanites disappeared.

    When they sometimes introduced "live viruses", meaning cells containing such, to a person's blood stream, at times they got sick and at times they produced antibodies.


    Because viruses are only "live" or active when attached to cells, the virus itself is inert due to its nano tech properties. It cannot just attach itself to any living cell around it. Rather the way it is constructed determines what it is for or which cell it should attach to.

    This is a very confusing subject matter that due to technical language or just not enough education in virology, people have defaulted to "trusting" in the Faucis and Gates of the world. That is not necessary. Viruses and virology in general, aren't very difficult to comprehend... for me that is.

    So why do people keep saying viruses cause diseaes?

    It's a mix up between correlation and causation. They correlated the presence of viruses and linked it to disease. What they did not do is to create enough data to demonstrate the causation. If you inject animal and sick cells to a human, how does that demonstrate the virus is causing the disease? If you inject a person with animal blood or human blood, and they die due to shock or auto immune response, IS THAT BECAUSE their blood is diseased? No, their blood was fine. It is not their blood that was problematic, it was what you injected. Same with viruses. What people get injected with isn't necessarily the inert nanites, but the cells that are already problematic and ejecting "nanites" in response to a problem that didn't even exist in the host body.

    And this is why vaccines are also so dangerous that America doesn't allow private parties to sue the companies making dangerous vaccine, due to damages. Vaccines do not need double blind trials. They don't need certain regulations or tests from the FDA, compared to trial drugs. It is so dangerous, that it becomes legally liable if they did tests and if the data showed any kind of adverse reaction or fatality, this would be a case for "discovery" during a law suit. No law suits, no data, means the problem of litigation goes away in terms of risk for developing this golden drug business.

    Virology, disease, and vaccines are all tied together, business wise. It's why Fauci and CDC owns and gets profit from vaccine patents. Even Gates has a "patent" on a virus/vaccine.

    If humanity's system was running perfectly, it would be easy to ignore this issue or chalk it up as a Ymarism. It is when the Divine fate allows the human built systems to FALL AND BURN, that is when people can wake up. Otherwise, it would be more cost effective to go with Fauci and medical authorities. Ymar is not a medical authority, because if I was, they would have banned me like others have been.

  2. ymarsakar6:05 AM

    When Trump pulls out of WHO and defunds it, plus bypasses the CDC on Covid stats... something is wrong in Denmark, humanity. And it is not just a Ymarism.

    A scientific and medical community/body that prides itself on verifiable data, is then found to be cooking the books in Florida to the tune of 10x the conclusive numbers, is problematic in many ways. It raises interesting questions like how far does the Deep State corruption go?

  3. Anything short of N95's offer little benefit to the wearer. Bandanas are especially useless. The advantage of masks is the small cumulative effects spread over a population. When anything is increasing geometrically, like the area of a pizza compared to its diameter, small differences can have large effects over time.

  4. ymarsakar7:53 AM

    The blue surgical looking masks with the gauze inside, are rather good for aroma therapy using essential oils. Just drip a few inside and you get a few hours of efficient dispersal. They also block, partially, smoke and other air pollution although not as good carbon filter masks or respirator seals with replaceable P100 filters.

  5. I think ALARA is a good analogy –

    I detect some black & white expression in some of the anti-mask writing I see, in that people assume that if a mask is not near 100% effective against a particular thing it is therefore near 0% effective.

    We've evidence such as a New-York/Hong-Kong flight during the A(H1N1)pdm09 epidemic where none of the many people on the flight wearing surgical masks were infected, but (some) of the others intermixed with them and not wearing masks were.

    So even though we know that random user-supplied masks should not be very effective against aerosolized virus "that small" as influenza A(H1N1)pdm09, in this case it seems pretty evident that they were adequate protection even on a 15-16 hour flight with infected people on it. It wasn't the majority of the unmasked who were infected, so there were other moderators of infection risk also,

    Where the ALARA analogy breaks down: There's no mechanism by which exposure to radiation protects you from future radiation.

    In current understanding it looks like not many people get antibody protection from fighting off COVID-19, but t-cell immunity is looking much higher in prevalence than anyone anticipated.

  6. Well, I see the President posted a photo of himself in a mask, declaring it a symbol of patriotism, so I expect we'll have a new mandate forbidding masks from our Democratic governor by mid-afternoon.

  7. @ Grim. Best to not even say such things out loud.
