I have a better idea

Lucianne reports that the Los Angeles teacher's union wants to hold up re-opening the schools until charter schools and police forces are de-funded.  I say let's keep the police and the charter schools, add vouchers, and let the public school do whatever they want.


  1. Perhaps we could choose to go without the public sector union instead?

  2. ymarsakar3:47 PM

    The system is beginning to buckle... good.

    Let it go

  3. No reason we can't do both, Grim.

    Eric Hines

  4. raven6:30 PM

    On Jerry Pournelles blog (RIP) he had a quote from Glen Seabold, chosen by Reagan to run a commission on Americas public schools.

    "if this system of education had been inflicted on us by a foreign power, it would be declared an act of war".

    In many respects, keeping kids out of the schools is about as good an outcome as we could hope for. Why send your child to the camp of the enemy to be indoctrinated?

    1. ymarsakar8:23 PM

      Ancients used to do that. It was called hostage exchange. Tribute royal kids would be brought up in the empire. They get an education and are indoctrinated that might makes right in rome. If the tributes rebel, they lose their heirs.

  5. ymarsakar8:26 PM

    keeping kids hostage is very effective. Ruby ridge, uk slave rings, roberts. It takes a berserker rage and insanity to fight when the kids are on the block.

    Boadicea or merlin.

  6. Funny you mention Reagan. I was thinking the other day that by refusing to return to their jobs in the public schools this September, Trump could quite effectively Reaganize the union - like the flight controllers - by appealing to charter schools and churches.

  7. Purplehermann10:49 AM

    The babysitters are holding their services hostage.

    You need to hire other babysitters if you want to ignore them; parents can't work if they have young children and no babysitter
