Don't Scare the Horses

As the younger generation loses our cultural metaphors from the old cowboy days, they lose a great store of practical wisdom. Also, sometimes they meet real horses.


  1. ymarsakar7:12 AM

    It's like watching Romans march.

  2. ymarsakar7:18 AM

    It's like watching dogs and cats when they get tired and can't get out.

  3. Shes lucky the kick was relatively gentle, and to her thigh or hip (not sure). She ended up getting more hurt by the ensuing fall to the pavement.

    Live and learn, hopefully.

    To be honest, she should be arrested and charged with assault and battery- if she succeeded in spooking the horse, she could've hurt someone on the ground, or the rider.

  4. To be honest, she should be arrested and charged with assault and battery....

    I think she got a more effective punishment by being kicked and then left to her own devices--ignored. Even the horse's kick was idly in passing; it doesn't seem as though the horse even gave her the attention of looking at her when or after he kicked her. Just a fly being idly swished away.

    Arresting her would have drawn a whole lot more attention to her position and given her a measure of street cred among her fellows.

    Eric Hines

  5. These days, they arrest after the fact with the video evidence. Win-win.

  6. I still wouldn't give her the attention of the arrest. What she did was trivial compared to the empirical outcome, which did draw some attention. What she might have achieved is just speculation.

    Eric Hines
