Classical Music: Also Racist

Apparently there are no limits.


  1. This seems to be his profession. "I started with “Am I Not a Minority?” to explain the everyday racism people of color experience and how it manifests on an institutional level."

    I'm not sure what to say to him. "I guess it sucks to be you."

    You'd think it blindingly obvious that civilizations with wealth and leisure develop the arts farther than those without much wealth or leisure. China, anyone? But he probably considers them white too.

  2. It's head-spinningly ridiculous. I couldn't get more than half way through.
    I think this thread from Chad Felix Greene really lays out the division between the elitist/intersectionalist/marxist left and the rest of us very well, and it's easier reading to understand the same thing from a different angle.

  3. Sorry, forgot to add link:

  4. Classical music was written by old dead guys.

    More despicable age-ism. Have these people no shame at all?

    Eric Hines

  5. After a while it all starts looking like a Venn diagram with one circle.

  6. Gringo5:14 PM

    "I started with “Am I Not a Minority?” to explain the everyday racism people of color experience and how it manifests on an institutional level."

    US is racist compared to what?

    He is of Lebanese origin. You know, the country which is a model worldwide for how people respect differences and get along with each other. Right? (I hope my sarcasm is evident.)
