AT Pipeline Canceled

Duke and Dominion Energy claimed their 600 mile pipeline along or under the Appalachian Trail would protect the natural heritage of the area. Having observed the end results of their previous projects, I can agree that they can be coherent with natural beauty in some ways, but certainly not that they leave unchanged the sense of being in a wilderness. 

They won at SCOTUS, so this decision is a choice the companies are making themselves. I wonder why they would make such a huge decision following a long, vigorous, successful, and expensive defense. Perhaps partly they decided that the government would not be able to protect their investments from sabotage; or would not be willing to do. 


  1. I'd have to bet that the recently very soft oil market (and current volatility) play a part in that decision. Maybe they'll change their mind back when prices go back up.

  2. ymarsakar7:54 AM

    By the time prices go up, geo thermal energy and zero point fusion/whatever power plants, will replace oil.

    Time to get out while they can.
