Another Peaceful Protest

It takes gall to attack a pro-law enforcement protest (6 years running).

Goodness knows our justice system is broken, and there’s a lot that desperately needs fixing. I’m not impressed with this approach, though none of the others are working either. It’s another area where both parties are both wrong, and both lying. That doesn’t excuse cracking the heads of innocent people.


  1. ymarsakar11:35 PM

    This is that Soros/Cabal backed "insurgency" that people have been talking about for some time.

    People thought it was a legend or myth, because things never got quite bad enough to trigger the "oh my god, we are going extinct" reaction of humans in America.

    Now that they are doing this months before the 2020 election, now it is imaginable, finally. And of course, as usual, it is too late for people to stop it. They'll just have to ride it out, as usual. Always on the defense, never on the attack, in this war.

  2. ymarsakar11:44 PM

    It is beneficial to go over Yuri Bezmenov, B Ayers, and Hussein's connections to Ayers and Ayers connection to Alinsky, HRC's connection ALinsky, and Alinsky's connection to Satan.

    The Leftist alliance is not a threat due to political party policies. They are a treat because 1. Treason and 2. Allegiances to non American state actors.

    I caught the tail of Ayers and Hussein pretty early on, although that was not the actual primary reason for going against the Leftist alliance at the time. No, that would be the mafia/union connection. Exactly the same one behind all the rioting. The police chiefs are in bed with the mafia or other crime syndicates, which means they are ordered to let Antifa/BLM run wild. And if conservatives protest, they get shut down. BECAUSE THOSE ARE THE ORDERS of the police unions. They are just pawns. They don't get to decide anything in the Deep State. That's not how totalitarian societies work, or even mafias.

  3. ymarsakar7:00 AM

    BLM/Antifa has been ordered to foment chaos in the US, to disrupt elections. This is the thesis vs anti thesis gramsci march tactic.

    Cabal has lost it, so they are going to take the world down with it, starting with US because the US controls the doomsday military weapons, for the most part in addition to China+Russia. By weapons, I am not referring to merely the nukes...

    BLM seeking to replace police with... themselves, was not a secret. I didn't cover it because it was not necessary. Others online were connecting the dots. If I started talking about it, people might more easily dismiss it as Ymar doing his thing again.

    Well, yes I would be, but that's beside the point. If people can figure this out and connect the dots, without my help and warnings, that would be optimum.

    America has had at least a few decades to prepare. They were warned, multiple times.

    Is Jesus going to pardon/reparation those mistakes again? This idea that some god figure is going to forgive your mistakes, is like a kind of pardon or reparation. He or they are fixing your problems by paying for it, and you just sit there and collect the check.

    That's more like Satan Leftist idea than a Divine Light/Love god thing.

    Trump isn't allowed to drain the swamp or save the nation from itself, because the Law of Free Will distortion prevents it. People have to reap what they sow, in the harvest, cause it is Divine Justice. No Justice, no peace.

  4. I believe the term is "mostly peaceful protest."

  5. It is a bit of a wake up call, to be at a support the cops rally, be attacked by the anti-cop opposition, and have the cops do nothing.
    Despite all the ruckus in the 60' and 70's, the political leaders seemed to be opposed to the chaos. Now it seems like many are tacitly supporting the destruction.

    They are close to losing legitimate political authority, AKA no longer derived from the consent of the governed.

  6. ymarsakar6:27 PM

    and have the cops do nothing.

    From what I heard, they released the gas and smoke bombs on the crowds and ended the event. Or maybe that was the feds. Hard to recall.

    Oh well, I'm sure the Authorities have It Under Control... muahaha. The slaves just have to pay taxes, and everything will be All White.. I mean right... I mean Biden, wait, I mean aliens.
