Ymar’s Post

We are going to try something new, whereby Ymar gets a post of his own to comment upon. He’s agreed to put all the metaphysical commentary here, rather than in other posts. Those interested in that approach to understanding current events can thus get all of it in one place.

Today’s is the first such post.


  1. Ymar Sakar9:15 PM

    Consider it a kind of q intel drop. Rather than argue with x or contend against it, it would be more useful to take what people can use and ignore the rest. People do that anyways merely because most things i write is incomprehensible. I know some of the reasons behind that and it is not specific to here. All of my associates react the same way now, no matter whether they usually agreed with me politically or disagreed with me. In fact i suspect my felloe american patriots find my phase shift more shocking and incomprehensible. If i was an old leftisy or new leftist, they could form a traditional response. But it cannot be done.

    Anothet aspect is that as time goes on, the metaphysics of spirit will become more and more manifest powerful or useful.

    Even if not, those that paid close attention to me has always had an inside edge on events. More now than ever.

    In many ways i am as close to events as q anon or trum is, if not closer in some respects. My role is an observer, not a shooter. Humanity has plenty of shooters and peeps being shot.

    I will also take questions. While not writing an article as the bet with grim, i can answer questions. Although i can easily detect hidden enmity for those trying to pull another one on me.

    Take trum declaring some kind of near martial law. His emotions are mars prime right now. Same as in 2015 primaries. One reason why i did not like trump. He felt like a wannabe dictator... because he knew what we were up against.

    Dont we?

  2. Ymar Sakar9:21 PM

    Since he is activating coin in american cities, trump has played his card. I now know for sure why his emotions were so crazy intense and why he has calmed down a lot inservice to other. America has polarized him or tamed him a bit. His mars is strong in real estate and sexual energy but he has never focused it on a war to protect the weak as he has now.

    Marianne williamson is another case in point. A course on miracles is one of the most powerful weapons against the cabal s bag of tricks. Both matianne and donald have politics i do not agree wit&. Completely pointless. I am fighting a war herr, in my own way, and have been in combat yelliw orange mentality for decades. Not years, not months, not days. It is a weird kind of hell, which i changed it up in 2016.

    Welcome to ymar s world. It is different than the traditional english sphere.

  3. Protecting the weak is a dangerous business. For them as well as for you.

  4. Ymar Sakar7:27 AM

    One of the coincidental results of this working is that both light and dark will fight through individuals. Think of it as a proxy war. The gods are too powerful to fight each other directly. So the battle takes place in human actions. We become the proxy battlefield as much of the old prophets in bible thought of. The sons of darkness vs sons of light, qumran style. Darkness is hidden in secret combinations. Look at antifa. Masked insurgents, like isil with burkkas.

    As a result the System will place obstacles and quests for both sides. If you begin listening to the light, the dark will counter play it. Vice versa it is true. Practically, it means people are given a choice here to polarize light or dark. Mixed is not balance, it is matrix livestock farm sys. A person has to choose service to self vs service to other. And as an example, i will pull up this comment by douglas. I do not know who he is although you may. I read them as being frustrated and wanting to suppress my comments for reasons he feels would violate your terms here.

  5. Ymar Sakar7:45 AM

    Policing my comments. https://grimbeorn.blogspot.com/2020/06/that-should-do-it.html?m=1


    The current reading of douglas is that historically he finds me hard to ignore. It is not that he agrees or disagrees with me, he just has a similar reaction as others here
    This vague unpleasant feeling that some have expressed as me being 'fully baked'. It is not a logical statement, just an emotional one. I can easily pick that up. They dont need to say anything although it helps me lock them down quantum wise.

    Douglas, like others, bind themselves with politeness. This is service to self polarized. They restrict, willingly, their free expression, because they feel this benefits you grim, which you benefit them. On earth this is still mixed but it leans towards sts. Because it leans towards sts, there is a natural incompatibility with my service to other polarity.

    People know situations where they feel something or someone is off or negative or too positive. This is that energy conflict at macro. Not a debate. Not about logic. Gut instinct emotional reaction.

    The people who have written to you complaining about me, did not write to me. Because they try their best to ignore me. They thought you could restrain me to a certain small post.

    This sts bondage, was seen in corona event.

  6. ymarsakar8:04 AM

    I see this as an opportunity not a bondage or contract even.

    What people don't like about me here is not my views about X but my existence which is tied to the holy ghost aka my god/head, and which expresses my polarity. This polarity is not good or evil, it is just like a magnetic force. It does not care.

    My god did not send me any signs or communication I was going to bondage here or restricting my communication. IN fact I had already been restricting my communication because it did not serve others here nor my self, to continue to write about things people did not understand nor did not want to understand. Since I assumed people did not care to engage, I could pick whatever topics i wanted. I was directing it at just 1 or 2 people.

    HOwever, because you, Grim, the head of this place, as recognized by a sufficient collective here, has decided to open the gates to Ymar's world, if only a minor crack, that changes things.

    I am now authorized and even encouraged, to demonstrate the benefits and knowledge of the light. Which will likely cause even more backlash or potential quests.

    Now I am directing it against every member of the collective here. Both hidden and overt. Maybe Grim and others opened the heart before, but it was on an individual level not on a group level.

    Humans can do many things in a group. The bad, as we see now. And also the good, as we see on social media too. It is mixed, light and dark. Choices are to be seen and made.

    In your society and tradition, politeness and open honest communication was the ideal. Because if people were too frank or not polite enough, they could start a gun fight. So I can see how from Grim's pov, he sets up rules he is comfortable here, mimicking his traditions and values. That, however, is precisely why people choose not to express their disagreements to me directly. They are afraid of something. Of violating Grim's rules usually. They see me as ignoring or violating rules.

    In truth, I adhere far closer to Grim's culture and traditions. When someone exposes their fangs to me here, I act appropriately, as does Trump. That is because politeness cannot hide that sneer on a person's face. Any more than people's negative emotions towards me here can be easily hidden from me. One would require an adept's training to do that, a level of emotional control verging on black color combat mode. All you can or will read, Grim, is a person's open and honest polite comments here. But they don't say what they really feel. They know it as well as I do. They could say "no, you are wrong" if they disagreed.

    In a sense, I prefer social media's honesty. At least there, people bring out their real emotions, in all their frank honesty and beauty. Here things are... conservative, yes.

    I feel happy and grateful even. Not afraid of Antifa. Not angry at whatever. These things too shall pass. No, I am grateful they are willingly to express themselves. Their True Hearts. If people could do that here, it would not lead to a fight but a better communication.

  7. ymarsakar8:26 AM

    These restrictions and rules are geared for an old humanity. Just like Moses' directions to the Hebrews. It was specific to deal with a decadent Egyptian Khem culture that the Hebrews had absorbed. 40 years in the desert was needed to purge that. But is god so stupid they think humans can obey the same rules and organization forever? No. Some of them, the dark ones, are indeed stupidly foolish but not to that extent.

    This tendency to restrict your thoughts and True heart online or elsewhere in life, this tendency to report on and attempt to gestapo police your neighbor's thoughts and words, all of this will be going bye bye. This is not a political position I hold. This is fate or inevitable itself. It has to go because it is already dying, old humanity is already going bye bye.

    I am not someone special. I am quite normal. There are many people that utilize similar powers and abilities. One you know of as the incarnation of YHVH, the God of Abraham and Isaac, aka Yeshua of Nazareth or Jesus the CHrist. His disciples and apostles would go on to do even more miraculous works. This is about old humanity leaving behind its stone heart and being given a new one.

    To me, it makes no difference if someone vents their true emotions here or not. To me, they already did it. In fact, if some people are not very careful, my mirror shields will reflect that energy back, if they tried to use it as an attack. Thus even else where online, people have stopped attacking me. THey don't have your rules, Grim, or any self restraint or terms here to bind them. I have been at VoxDay's den, of ALt Right whatever. You think they chewed me up and spit me out? Heh. kind of the opposite. I thought more would engage. They did not. In fact, a Southern "Tyrant Lincoln" guy was quite polite, calm, and disengaged in a few comments. Surprising to me.

    I also visit that baen author... what's her name website, and not only her but her regulars also react with intense hostility. Because of what, I linked a video to new energy that they interpreted as a conspiracy attack? There's nothing for them to disagree about. Almost none of them know me. But they intuitively can read my energy and it is not their polarity.

    In fact, people or places that deal with me the longest.... have the most restraint in engaging with me or attacking me with the usual. Because they have felt the backlash on the energy levels? I do not know for sure, but that is a logical inference.

    At bookworm room, on multiple occasions I have had to mediate conflicts between red and blue tribes. THat should be shocking most of all to me, given my history. Even you had a visitor, Grim, that was merely a test. Enough of the collective did not rise to the bait, and you did not have an easy disqus comment system, so the quest test went away, especially when they had to read and deal with my energy.

  8. By coincidence this was yesterday’s Mass reading:

    “What do you intend to ask and learn from us? For we are ready to die rather than transgress the laws of our fathers.”

