The New National Anthem: "Imagine" by John Lennon

Honestly, if they don't understand why that's a terrible idea, I don't know where to start explaining it.


  1. ymarsakar5:43 PM

    Imagine what the world would look like if ymar is true.

  2. I'm not sure what could be more inclusive than our national anthem, especially with Oliver Wendell Holmes' stanza from our Civil War included.

    Still, I'd be down for something like Kenny Loggins' Footloose. A national anthem should be upbeat and celebratory.

    Or maybe just something wholly irrelevant and irreverent in the context: Bobby Day's Rockin' Robin.

    Eric Hines

  3. It's not clear to me why a nation is permitted only one anthem.

    Keep "The Star Bangled Spanner" or whatever. Yes. Great poem. Rough melody.

    Keep and officialize "America the Beautiful". Keep and officialize "The Battle Hymn of the Republic". Ditto "God Bless America". Sousa's "Stars and Stripes Forever" with the good lyrics. (NOT "Be Kind to your Webfooted Friends"...) I'm fond of "God of Our Fathers (whose Almighty Hand)" I have room for "Still I Rise". I like "Lift Every Voice and Sing" better.

    Nashville would do the nation a great service to arrange a medley of the best verses and most stirring themes into one really long song.

  4. “Gentlemen, please be upstanding for this evening’s rendition of ‘A Boy Named Sue.’”

  5. Did John Lennon ever read Brave New World? Because "Imagine" enshrines the very vision that that book deconstructed.

  6. I mean, I assume he could read. Music, at least.

  7. Don't imagine a new anthem. Imagine loading your guns to protect the present one, and what it represents.

  8. "Imagine" is so full of violent allusions. How about something more benign, like "Row, row, row your boat"? It's real easy to sing, too, so it's more inclusive.

  9. I'm surprised at you, T. Row, Row, Row is a round, so it's segregationist by design.

    Eric Hines

  10. Incidentally, the Captcha for my comment above was...disappointing.

    I was supposed to identify the motorcycles in the doofer, but all they presented was a Vespa.

    Eric Hines

  11. Notice that the Beatles could not even stay with their wives, nor with each other , yet lecture the world on how to get along.

  12. That's a biting critique.

  13. Interestingly, I'm starting to wonder if Sean Ono Lennon would approve. He's been showing some redpilling signs of late, and retweeting the Weinstein brothers.
