Night-Fire Practice

I can hear my neighbors shooting tonight, a fairly impressive array of hardware. It's all too methodical and regular to be any sort of gunfight; they're just practicing and making sure everything is in good order.

They're going to be so disappointed when there's no reason to use all that stuff. These hub city ninjas aren't about to drive out shadowed dirt roads in the high mountains, where one human habitation can't be seen from the next. They'd be terrified by the sight of such an empty road, long before they ever got out to someone's trailer or cabin. Everyone knows what happens to people who go out beyond the Fields We Know into the Wilds Beyond.

It's even in the folk songs: "Once a stranger climbed old Rocky Top, looking for a moonshine still. Stranger ain't come down from Rocky Top, reckon he never will." "Well, I wonder where that Louisiana sheriff went to? You can sure get lost in the Louisiana bayou."

It is an irony that Mad Max (1979) treated the cities as a kind of safe place, with the wilderness controlled by violent motorcycle gangs. It turns out it's the other way around. Police protection doesn't protect. Every night our cities burn with fire, and every night our mountains linger through the long gloam to twilight, fearsome, lonesome, and at peace.


  1. Eric Blair11:08 PM

    Well, cities run by Democrats, anyway. I think those politicians are in for an unpleasant surprise come the next election, believe it or not.

    PA had its primary election on June 2. Close to 250k more Republicans showed up to vote for an unopposed Donald Trump, than showed up to vote for Joe Biden.

    Those mayors have shat the bed, and they are going to get their noses rubbed in it.

  2. I hope you're right about that, my friend. They have it coming.

  3. You know, now that I think about it, the one person the motorcycle gang backs off of in Mad Max is the rural, beachside old lady with the shotgun.

  4. ymarsakar4:47 AM

    I talked with a Silicon Valley employee. He mentioned that they were bussed in to their work areas. This was back a few years when people were protesting Silicon Valley in California. I told him it was going to be like Mad max, convoys.

    Another person, a foreigner overseas in Euro, thought I was making a joke of it. I had to explain that it is funny because it is true. To alphabet and facebook, the denizens of Californian citizens are really another caste or class. THe only important people are their employees, who they "escort" in a van or bus, protected by sun blockers, privacy screens, and maybe future wise bullet proof armor. Has come out against Trump. I wonder why. BLackmail? Incomprehension due to fake news? Something else, like mind control?

    No idea. Grim, your best military minds, apparently, don't understand what is going. They can understand how to fight an insurgency overseas, but the internal traitors... that they won't touch for some reason. I found this rather frustrating many years ago.

  5. ymarsakar4:50 AM

    Perhaps like Washington, they just cannot believe tehir fellow Free Masons or patriotic West point Americans... would ever betray them.

    But they have. RIght now people are worried over the short term tactical or economic ramifications. But speaking from the pov of someone who has had to deal with this issue for somewhat longer than short term tactics, it will indeed change how people see things, the world, themselves, and their nation. It is not merely a temporary shock, to know that the real danger to AMerica aren't a few foreign raghead terrorists but something else inside the Gates.

    Foreign terrorism has become a kind of distraction.

  6. ymarsakar6:06 AM

    Correia's comments are so funny. It is about precisely this topic of rural vs city.

  7. Remember 2015 how motorcycle gangs rioted and burned everything after Waco cops ... Unprovoked ... Shot up a Twin peaks breasturant and killed a bunch of bikers?

    Me either.

    On ballot shenanigans the chaos continues

    Like the Iowa caucuses. If a party cant even rig an election efficiently how is everything going to be rigged? Er run?
