Flavortown, Ohio

A petition.

Midwest cuisine must have gotten a lot better than I remember if that's even a serious discussion.


  1. It is unlikely the Woke have read the accounts of the first Men of the West to tread on the soil of the New World. Even the inquisition hardened conquistadors were appalled by the level of savagery. I am wondering how far back this wokeness is going to go- do the cro-magnon owe reparations to the neanderthals? And who did in Lucy? Someone has to pay!

    On cuisine- Back before the dawn of time, I was driving cross country for some reason or another and ended up in Leadville Colorado. I had picked up a guy going to California a few states back. Needing food, we found a little hole in the wall, typical western bar 15 feet wide and 60 deep, with a counter along the long side. Bear in mind we were 1500 miles from the nearest ocean, my California co-rider decides to get the "fish". I opted for a steak. The barkeeper comes out with a steak that was about 1 1/2" thick, succulent and juicy, covering the plate. And three lonely fish sticks fried to a crisp. I still remember the look on his face.
    So how good the food is, depends a lot on what one orders, and especially, where.

  2. I traveled the miseries of Ohio and northern Kain-tuck often when I was wooing my wife, who was the last good thing to come out of Indiana. Maybe somebody up there knows how to cook something well, but I never encountered it.

  3. "do the cro-magnon owe reparations to the neanderthals?"
    Well, if we go in that direction, Homo Sapiens in the era of the Cro Magnon wiped out the Neanderthal species. Since the only humans alive that don't have Neanderthal genes are the sub-Saharan Africans, I guess they owe reparations to the rest of the world?!?

    Makes about as much sense.

  4. ymarsakar5:53 AM

    who was the last good thing to come out of Indiana.

    Reminds me of that joke. The last and only good thing to ever have come from Nazareth (Jesus).

  5. ymarsakar5:58 AM

    On reparations, Lee and others pardoned by Lincoln, owe Republicans reparations for the death of Lincoln.

    House of Yasharel, the 12 houses under Jakob, owe reparations due to their descendants having killed the Holy One of Israel, basically their god.

    Given the number of karma violations and what else goes on in the human horror show, everyone somehow ends up owing each other reparations. Only with quantum hypnosis and regression, do the past debt ever show up. One cannot pay it without knowing about it first.

    In a sense, those born free do not have debt. In another sense, those born slaves, do, but think they are free. Thus there is a perception problem. Are people free?

  6. ymarsakar5:59 AM

    Legally speaking, it is rather tricky. If you drive over someone, and they are pronounced death, even legally, but then later on they come back and regenerate, talking about a near death experience (what near death, they are medically declared dead for X time), are you guilty of killing them or not?

    Certainly in our legal sphere, you are guilty of "something".

    THe DIvine Realms do not have a punishment system per say. THey do have a system that uses the local laws to good effect.

  7. "do the cro-magnon owe reparations to the neanderthals?"
    Since the only humans alive that don't have Neanderthal genes are the sub-Saharan Africans, I guess they owe reparations to the rest of the world?!?

    Not a bit of any of that. With the rest of us so generously agreeing to be preservation and storage containers for at least a measure of Neandertal genes, all to allow at least some portion of the Neandertal species to survive the racist pressures of evolution, Neandertals owe us a potful of back rent.

    Scofflaws, Neandertals are.

    Eric Hines
