Drums, drums in the deep

A Balrog stirs.  Or maybe Chthulhu, the results aren't in yet.


  1. I vote Cthulhu. Clearly Antifa issued forth from Innsmouth and they have been summoning him.

  2. Nah. It's an artifact of the undetected by our current level of technology exhaust of Oumuamua as it accelerates away from our system, having completed its scouting mission.

    Look for the follow-on--another rock-throwing expedition--over the next few thousand years. They got the dinosaurs a while ago, now they're coming for us mammals.

    They'd better get it right, though....

    Eric Hines

  3. Good, at least we’ll have good radio comms.

  4. The Earth's core just heard some Vogon poetry

  5. ymarsakar10:20 PM

    This is that thing I was talking about before.

    Don't look at me. It's just as I said, if the Divine wanted to kill off humans, they could always just trigger the Solar Flash early.

    Equivalent to 3 days of darkness as predicted or foreseen.

    Counter: It hasn't happened!

    Y: THat's the point!

    The Flood hadn't happened yet!

  6. ymarsakar10:21 PM

    I vote Cthulhu. Clearly Antifa issued forth from Innsmouth and they have been summoning him.

    They may have tried, but I can kill Cthulhu in my current state now, so no worries.

    Counter: But C is an eternal entity that cannot be destroyed!

    Y: I know... so am I, so we are even.

  7. ymarsakar10:22 PM

    There's also something called the "magnetic polar shift".

    This is where science meets spiritual prophecy and becomes garbled.
