Dropping like flies


  1. I have no concern about marketing icons, but it is interesting -- as someone pointed out, perhaps Wretchard -- that Quaker drops this one but not "Quaker."

    Lucky Charms is still being made too, I hear.

  2. Ymar Sakar3:19 PM

    Trump hinted a pres like him would have her in jail. Then look what happened 2020.

    I keep saying do not underestimate the ds but perhaps it would be easier to unlimit the imagination for a worst case scenario.

    Worst case if ds unleashes all powers?

    3 billion. Imagine...

  3. Mahatma rice? Cartoon wizard with a turban and 'stache? Is this crass commercialism not offensive to Hari Krishnas and other Hindu sects?

  4. We can solve the problem by calling all products by the word "Comrade" followed by a suitable name chosen by an approved list that will be published daily, with deletions whenever the name is found to be associated with a socially undesirable example of humanity. Just printed names, no pictures, in case they might cause unrest or bad thoughts.

  5. John Hinderaker at Powerline pointed out that this isn't going to lead to the use of 'more positive' (i.e. whatever is most woke at this moment) images of minorities but the removal of them, a demonstrated by Land O'Lakes.

  6. I joked elsewhere that if we keep this up, before too long we'll be much like the Islamic tradition where only flowers, calligraphy, and geometric patterns will be permissible.
