“An Unarmed Person Comin’ at ‘Em with a Knife”

More lessons on violence from Joe Biden.  It’s the latest in a series.

You know, Joe, severing the femoral artery reliably leads to death too.


  1. Eric Blair2:19 PM

    Joe knows nothing about knife fighting.

  2. He's not too good on any kind of fighting as far as I can tell.

  3. You know, Joe, severing the femoral artery reliably leads to death too.

    So can missing the leg entirely, with the bullet proceeding on downrange.

    Eric Hines

  4. Grim's got it.

    I think this is from the same appearance I saw blogged on Legal Insurrection which focused on his invocation of the old 'shoot to wound' trope, when the rule is never point a gun at something you don't intend to kill.

  5. ymarsakar8:32 AM

    I don't think humanity should be focusing on knife fighs right now. THey have bigger things coming online.
