An Attempted Coup at NYT

Andrew Sullivan is right about this one.

It's worth noting that all of this chaos is happening in the blue cities and blue states. The target of Antifa and their ilk isn't you and me, it's blue institutions. The NYT is in danger for the same reason that the Minneapolis Police Department -- controlled by Democrats since 1978 -- is in danger. The Hard Left is trying to win control of the left-leaning powers, which in fact control most of America's cities and therefore much of America's wealth.

They might come for us later, or they might decide it's too much trouble especially since they'll have taught police, who might possibly have tried to carry out gun confiscations in red America, that their only friends are in red areas and red states. The hinterlands may be too hard a nut to crack if police won't enforce their laws here, and juries won't either.


  1. raven3:44 PM

    "The hinterlands may be too hard a nut to crack if police won't enforce their laws here, and juries won't either. "

    It would be a terrible mistake to think the rules of engagement for the communists would limit it to non-WMD, or mass famine. These are well established tools in their playbook.

  2. True, although that mostly worked against unarmed peasants. We grow the food; we drive the trucks.

  3. ymarsakar10:47 PM

    There's too many methods for them to use. Better to stop them at the root by killing them. Not the middle managers or low level fodder managers like HRC or Soros. Something higher up in the chain of command.

    I do not favor a defensive strategy. I was the one saying Bush II had better put the COIN learned in Iraq to good use in AMerican cities or he will lose that power.

  4. "We grow the food; we drive the trucks."
    True, but so did the Ukrainian farmers who starved.
    It's the bit you said about arms that makes the critical difference.
