A Small Correction from the Lancet

A major journal of medicine, the Lancet once made a massive and obviously political estimation of the death toll in Iraq.  By pure coincidence, the error correlated with the US presidential re-election race of George W. Bush -- in fact it was published just days before the election.

This time, the election correlated with a massive error by the journal is the Presidential re-election of Donald Trump.  The error?  A little thing, really.  Just a complete retraction of the paper the published on the dangers of hydroxychloroquine for COVID patients. Small stuff, hardly relevant.


  1. Ymar Sakar5:28 PM

    This is why they told me not to trust human authorities.

    Corrupt as hades and proud of it.

  2. 'E couldna help himself. 'E 'ad to.

  3. I don't know of anyone who takes Lancet seriously anymore. It was starting to go downhill in the early- mid-70s when I was in Psych grad school.

    Today, my GP doesn't take it seriously anymore. She wouldn't even use it when she was house training her dog.

    Eric Hines
