A Compelling Argument

Resolved:  America is not a white supremacist country.


  1. Excellent thread.
    Sometimes I realize that I really don't give my parents enough credit for being willing to get married as a mixed race marriage in the early sixties. They didn't choose the easiest path. They also did us the favor of never making it an issue. I never once heard a complaint from them about others reaction to them.

  2. Grim, we are unsurprisingly on the same page at the moment. Therefore, I will have to go back to listening to genetics and history podcasts. You are covering this just fine, I don't need to.

  3. ymarsakar8:34 AM

    I find it funny people are talking about Soros now. Got tired of prophesying Soros being a big bad many years ago.

    Also if AMerica is not X, what is AMerica then? People don't seem to know. THey fight for it without knowing.

  4. It must have been hard, Douglas. We often forget how difficult it was for our parents to navigate these changes. We're lucky that they did their best.
