"You're no friend of this court!"

I'm so old, I can remember when federal courts didn't think it was a good idea to troll for issue advocacy in the form of amicus briefs.

Some of you may recognize my title from a Heinlein novel.  He had a good grasp of the law, and liked to set up vignettes in which an honest judge lost patience with conspiracies and courtroom shenanigans, especially when officious intermeddlers were shown the door.  In the scene I'm remembering, an oily legal hanger-on type is asked to explain his presence at a trial, and answers, "Who, me?  Amicus curiae, Your Honor."

1 comment:

  1. ymarsakar5:31 AM


    I hadn't realized Georgia was connected to this concept. Justice be done, though the Heavens fall.

    Lots of stuff gonna be falling in 2020. Or maybe failing. It is to pave the way to a new world.
