

  1. I have stated for years that Obama is an extremely arrogant and corrupt politician, in keeping with his Chicago politics training. Even some fairly conservative friends, relatives, and acquaintances have suggested that I have oversold this, that he is not all that terrible, is a good family man, means well, etc. I have been saying to them "Wait," as you did above.

    Perhaps I am deluding myself, expecting vindication. It wouldn't be the first time.

  2. Barr's no slouch, and neither is Durham. I do have faith in them, though it's hard continuing to wait.

  3. Waiting maximizes the odds that any convictions will stick.

    Waiting also maximizes distrust.

    The latter wasn't mitigated by the white wash of McCabe.

    Eric Hines

  4. ymarsakar7:38 PM

    I have harangued people online for years, even before Hussein became US President, over the dangers of internal traitors and the Leftist alliance.

    The Deep State is not weaker than the Left, but stronger. Cleaning them all out... that is like a Herculean task, Trum.

    As for this Hussein ex president... he is just a puppet. Maybe a snowflake on top of an iceberg, but not even the tip. Wait until people see what else is beneath the water. Their hearts may fail them.

  5. Anonymous8:20 PM

    A prescient meme from a day or two ago as events unfolded.
    Well done ;-)

  6. The list of people who submitted formal requests to unmask the identity of Michael Flynn in surveillance records of any foreign national, including the dates of the requests, make for fascinating reading in light of the illegal leaking of that unmasked identity to the Washington Post on January 12, 2017. A whole slew of requests started to come in during November and December 2016, but a smaller group got active in early January 2017. https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2020/05/leakers-awake-2.php

    Unmasking requests are not in themselves illegal, but they're a crime if done for purposes of personal or political retaliation, and leaking is a big problem either way. I mention this in case any former presidents or news networks are having trouble identifying the potential crime that occurred.
