UNICEF: Expect 1.3 Million Child Deaths From Economic Shock

There’s no real reason to think that this model is any better than the climate models; it’s possibly no better than the coronavirus models, although the virus was novel and this problem is old. For what it’s worth, though, it is another consideration.

1 comment:

  1. ymarsakar12:14 PM


    Americans are realizing just how far the evil spreads in their own home. It's not something like a foreign war overseas.

    Are the children being saved or killed? Americans do not know, and that is the problem.

    I suspect UNICEF is doing a Deep State distraction op.

    More than 700,000 children go missing in just the USA alone. 1.3 million? It's just a statistic to most people. They are not willing to let justice be done, because the yare afraid the heavens will fall. The yare busy holding up the sky. They fight me because they think I am will bring down the sky.
