The Shopping Cart Theory

Do you return your shopping cart when you are done with it? I'll bet you do if you hang around here.


  1. Always have, even when I had small children buckled in and had to walk away from the car. My thoughts go to the poor high-school kid who has to go out in all weather. If the corral is far in the other direction I will take the cart back close to the door. I usually search for a stray cart as I go in to the store also.

    I am told by someone who used to do the job that just getting it mostly there is just as good, so long as you aren't blocking anything. No need to be fussy about it, just get the basic task accomplished.

    Now that they are grown, I have no idea if any of my children do this. Had I seen them not do it while they were growing up I would likely have yelled at them about it.

  2. I do, but not quite always. When I do, there's a tendency to wrangle other carts and push them all in together neat and proper.

  3. If the racks are an indication, most folks around here do. There are a few who take a cart full of goods out the emergency exit, though.

  4. Indeed, and if there is no corral nearby, I'll at least make sure mine ends up with others and stacked ready, so as not to cause an extra stop. As AVI said, you think of the person who has to round them up.

    Also, having worked in the shoe section of a sporting goods store in my youth, I'll almost unconsciously start facing up the boxes on the shelf while I wait for my family to decide on something in the store. Every little bit helps.

  5. I'll even return carts that aren't mine rather than let them rattle loose in the lot. Lord knows I don't want my paint getting scratched by a runaway cart.

  6. Ymar Sakar4:39 PM

    There is an option not to move the carts back? What will humans think up next... oil that refuses to regenerate?

  7. Ymar Sakar4:50 PM

    One time it was .25 of a mile. Could not ruck those cans.
