
It's getting harder to argue that we lack the manpower and other resources to pursue burglars, if we can spare a couple of squad cars to go after hardened criminals violating the six-foot rule. Which is more speculative, the idea that a repeat offender might escalate if you fail to lock him up after several failures, or the domino effect from some scofflaws sitting on the beach?
“You can’t sit outside and watch the sunset because you might breathe on a butterfly that will carry your germs to a tree with lemons that might be picked by a child to make lemonade for his grandma, and she’ll die!”


  1. Gringo8:45 PM

    I am reminded of San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin's saying that his terrorist father should be released from jail because he might die from Coronavirus in jail.San Francisco DA Says His Father, Convicted Murderer And Former Member Of Terrorist Group, Should Get Out Of Prison.

    Gilbert and Boudin’s mother, Kathy Boudin, were convicted of murder in 1983 for serving as getaway drivers during a bank robbery that left three people dead at the hands of their co-conspirators.

    Both of Boudin’s parents were members of the Weather Underground......

    “In mid-March, I started emptying out our city and county jail because those living and working there face a grave risk of falling ill, dying and spreading COVID-19. My sense of urgency about this issue is professional, and it’s also personal: My 75-year-old father lives in a prison cell,” Boudin wrote in a Los Angeles Time op-ed on Wednesday.

    “My parents’ decisions caused irreparable, cascading harm, but 38 years later, they shouldn’t mean that my father, a model prisoner with numerous underlying medical conditions, is sentenced again, this time to die prematurely from a viral outbreak,” he added.

    As Chesa's parents were jailed for their role in the "premature deaths" of three people, perhaps it is fitting that "premature death" visited his mother or father.

    For all of Chesa's concern about the health of prisoners- has he ever told us about the death rate in prisons from COVID-19- his refusal to do anything about public pooping , another public health issue, makes one wonder. The article points out that San Francisco reported 30,000 complaints about public poop last year.

  2. ymarsakar2:04 PM

    This get out of prison free card sounds pretty strange. Because a lot of people want to see ex President Hussein and the Clintons in jail.

    They have Weinstein and Epstein in jail... once. Maybe they will stay in jail this time.

    There is a weird confluence of celestial energies. Half is to get people out of the human slavery prison. The other half wants to put them in there. And the freedom half, may be the ones that uses the rule of law to lock the crooks up.
