Smoking Guns at the FBI

Had the Department of Justice (DOJ) released the newly disclosed documents related to Gen. Michael Flynn three years ago, instead of fired FBI Director James Comey improperly leaking his “memos” on President Trump, there definitely would have been a special counsel — only it would have been investigating the FBI for gross abuse of power, not the Trump administration.

The new documents are in effect the “smoking gun” proving that a cabal at the FBI acted above the law and with extreme political bias, targeting people for prosecution rather than investigating crimes.


  1. The debate now is whether this was a special flaunting of justice in order to get Flynn/Trump or if this is just business-as-usual that is now being found out.

    Both possibilities are terrible.

  2. The debate is adequately answered by a complete removal of all FBI personnel from lower middle management on up through the FBI Director. Wray may not be entirely at fault for this mess, but he has failed to install any serious corrections.

    A complete culture change must be effected, and the only way one can be done in an organization that's gotten as polluted and out-of-control as today's FBI is with such a drastic personnel removal.

    Furthermore, those FBI personnel who are removed should not be merely reassigned elsewhere in the Federal government; they should be sent to the private economy.

    Eric Hines

  3. Watched "Richard Jewell" the other night. If that movie's depiction of how the FBI works is even remotely accurate, this is a pattern that has been going on for a long time.

    It's about time someone found out for sure, and took the necessary scalps.

  4. Some of them should be left to fend for themselves in the private economy. Others should be sent to jail.

  5. ymarsakar11:08 AM

    Americans don't even know what a cabal is, let alone what this one is doing.

  6. ymarsakar11:10 AM

    It's about time someone found out for sure, and took the necessary scalps.

    People have tried. They died. Case closed, as they say.

    Westerners seem to have this concept that they can just fire these people. Like they can just fire the Federal Reserve guys they don't like or fire the Mafia dons.

    This must be that CNN syndrome the mind controllers reference.

  7. ymarsakar11:11 AM

    Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma fertilizer "bomb", Waco 1, Waco 2.

    Similar shenanigans.

    Some people would also include 9/11, but that's a different realm people don't like stepping into. They aren't ready for it.

  8. ymarsakar11:12 AM

    If people think this is "terrible", wait until they get hit with the other stuff in Full Disclosure.
