Please Do Not Shoot People for Not Wearing Masks

This means you, Kar... I mean Jennifer.
“As a concerned carry-permitted gun owner, if you refuse to wear a mask and try to come within 6 feet of me or my family, I will exercise the same constitutional rights to shoot you.”

[Later in her 'apology':]

“I am in a profession where the threat of someone approaching me not wearing a mask while in the midst of a pandemic is equivalent to the threat against my life. Just as it would be if they approached me with their gun drawn and pointed at me....

“Bioterrorism is, however, a real threat and refusal to prevent and/or the intentional release or dissemination of biological agents by not wearing a mask during a global pandemic is a clear example. I am sorry if my words were offensive or derogatory in any way. My concern and compassion for human life got the best of me.”
Yes, we are all overwhelmed by your concern and compassion for human life.

I notice that Hillary Clinton is also helpfully painting conservative protesters as "domestic terrorists." I'd wager any stakes that Dr. Jennifer was a Hillary supporter.


  1. Gringo4:39 PM

    I'd wager any stakes that Dr. Jennifer was a Hillary supporter.

    That's betting w house money. She is a Democrat, so most probably a Hillary supporter in 2016.Jennifer Rager-Kay.

    Jennifer Rager-Kay (Democratic Party) ran in a special election to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives to represent District 85. Rager-Kay lost in the general election on August 20, 2019.

    Rager-Kay was a 2018 Democratic candidate for the same seat. Rager-Kay lost the general election on November 6, 2018, after advancing from the primary on May 15, 2018.

  2. I didn't check before posting it, but it seemed like a completely safe bet.

  3. Gringo8:55 PM

    I initially posted comment at wrong thread. Your first link- "This means you"- points out she had been a Democrat candidate. Not the first moonbat lefty physician in recent times. I am reminded of the physician couple in the Pensacola area arrested for taking down Trump signs. 2 Florida doctors arrested after stealing Trump campaign flag from neighbor’s property. As that is a military area that is not going to go over very well.
    Allende was a physician.

  4. You do have to have a pretty healthy ego to be an effective physician I think- taking peoples health into your hands is not for the meek willed. So you'd expect a fair number of nuts like this in the field.

  5. I have largely been blessed with humble and competent doctors.

    And once ran into Joseph Mengeles daughter, brown houndstooth jacket and electrodes, sporting a medical degree from Grenada. The bill was not paid. It was the giggling as the shocks were administered that I found... disquieting.

  6. I guess I didn't read it carefully, Gringo. I was mostly only interested in (a) did the headline fairly capture that she'd threatened to shoot people for not wearing masks? And (b) What was her explanation for this?

  7. "Sorry, not sorry" seems to be the apology offered. It was worse than the standard "I'm sorry if you were offended" apology we normally see (though it said that too), it went on to basically say "but I was totally justified in what I originally said".

  8. Jennifer can easily solve her problem vis-a-vis me by crossing the street and going in the other direction when she sees me coming. Otherwise, if she draws, I will defend myself and those around me. I will exercise my right of self defense, and I will satisfy my obligation to defend those around me.

    Eric Hines

  9. Ymar Sakar10:35 AM

    Mengeles has an interesting backstory. One source for him evading all the way to argentina and setting up shop with 3rd reich ss was because of america s operation paperclip. Smuggled out all sorts of nazid and ss.

    While truman supposedly wanted everyone vetted, the deep state may easily have given mengeles his argentine twin op due to his research.

    Hidden history. Too painful so covered up.
