Manhood and the Virus

We have all read that men are more likely to die than women from this virus (women hardest hit), but it turns out that low-testosterone men are more likely to die than men with high T levels. Exercise may be protective, although that's more along the lines of 'it usually is' than 'we know for sure that it is in this specific case.' Sunshine destroys the virus and your body uses it to protect you by producing Vitamin D, which is generally effective as an anti-viral.

Things are looking pretty good for weight-lifting motorcycle-riding men.

1 comment:

  1. I forget where I saw it now, but it was someone saying that in Spain, all the grocery shopping was being done by men, as they did not want to send the women out and put them at risk. It may not have been the best decision from a strictly medical perspective, however I found that refreshingly chivalrous, in light of the state of most of modern Europe.
