Georgia Re-Opening Going Well

So far, at least, so good.


  1. The state set up a test sample of 187 people in my little county on April 23-24, and found zero positives. We're going to do another one next week. So far we still have just the two reported cases from many weeks ago, both of whom recovered without hospitalization. We're probably lucky to have almost no nursing home beds here, the storm having driven them out in 2017. The nearby county that holds Corpus Christi has had about 130 cases and one death. The county on the other side of that one has had maybe 15 cases and one death. The other nearby counties are mostly onesy-twosies with no deaths. The beaches and hotels are open; restaurants and other businesses are slowly opening. We're all holding our breaths to see if the case rates spike up at all.

    I'm lucky to live in a place New Yorkers wouldn't dream of gracing with their presence. I hear Elon Musk is threatening to come to Texas, though. I'm sure he'd pick Austin, or 5-6 other parts of Texas. This might be literally the last county he'd dream of relocating to.

  2. ymarsakar2:09 PM

    Good so long as I am here at least.

    This year isn't over by a long shot. Prepare your hearts, because there's going to be more challenges up ahead.
