Avoiding the Perjury Trap

Another big thing that happened yesterday was the opening of a lot more HPSCI documents from the Trump/Russia hearings. Ace has been doing yeoman work in pointing out that, over and over and over again, people who were publicly proclaiming Trump's guilt privately testified under oath that they had no evidence whatsoever.

Well, that's what oaths are for. Too bad this wasn't made public way back when. Might have saved time and money, but it would have also disabled a politically useful argument, so there was no way it could happen.


  1. Gringo6:46 PM

    Demos claim they were scoundrels in a good cause.

    Good link collection.

  2. ymarsakar8:43 AM

    People like me knew. We didn't need the main sewer media to tell us what they were really saying.

  3. It was always hard to understand why he'd plead guilty, knowing that he had at the very worst not remembered the exact wording of a conversation that was only one among many, and in which he'd said absolutely nothing wrong. The information that changed the picture most dramatically was the revelation that he was pressured into taking a fall to save his son from a similarly disastrous frame-up. The icing on the cake was the written admission that the FBI knew perfectly well all along there was no crime, and was merely trying to jam him into a plea deal on any basis they could possibly cook up, for strategic purposes. Or, conceivably, there was some other threat behind the scenes that neither he nor the FBI has yet revealed, or can afford to.

    But Powell has their nuts in a vise, which is happy news. The whole 7th floor needs to go down, down, down.
