Arms and White Samite Update

I finally received copies of the paperback today. I am extremely disappointed in their quality. The formatting I spent a week trying to get right came out wrong nine ways from Sunday, and for some reason the cover has a pink rather than a white dress. It definitely isn't pink in the painting, not even a little, and was color-adjusted to match the white text (which did come out correctly).

So if any of you purchased a copy of the paperback, I apologize for the quality. I am pulling it off of Amazon as a physical book. I have no idea what happened, but the quality is too poor to ask anyone to spend money on it. Feel free to return it and ask for a refund, because these books are too badly made to be worth anything. You can read the same story on your Kindle.


  1. Good heads up. I'd been thinking about trying out their print facility for my books.

    Now I know better.

    Eric Hines

  2. It's really annoying. The pink dress thing wouldn't be a big deal if it weren't for the fact that the title of the book is a reference to that dress. It really does have to be white.

  3. PFC Wintergreen is running the war.

  4. I also received mine, and have read about half (all in the first night, and just hadn't had a chance to get back to it yet). I thought the cover art qwas quite nice, and hadn't noticed what you're referring to as "the pink dress"- I guess I was just seeing that as highlights of a sort(and the blue/green lowlights). It didn't bother me or seem odd in and of itself. The print formatting is problematic, but it's not taking away from my enjoyment of the text. IF you need help with formatting, I have some limited experience in this (my son wrote a book for his tenth grade project a few years ago, and he put so much work into it (some 400 pages!) so we printed real hard-copies). Knowing a little bit about the templates, and layout software is helpful. We used The Book Patch, for what it's worth, but I think you can only use their store (though I'm not sure). I'm hoping to finish the book soon. Also, I was wondering who drew the cover art? It's not credited, and I found it quite nice. The pattern in the tree bark was a nice touch.

  5. My wife, trained at the Savannah College of Art and Design, made the cover. I would gratefully accept your help if you think you can fix these issues. I’m much put out.

  6. I would be honored. Watch your email.
