Trump Says Georgia Should Not Re-Open

I'm curious to see if this will cause all my Georgia friends to switch sides on the question.  It's been completely tribal so far, with the Trump-supporters supporting re-opening a la Kemp, and Trump opponents supporting defying the governor by calling on everyone to remain inside until doomsday.

Until now Kemp has been in alignment with Trump, so you could signal your group allegiance cleanly. But now that the Orange Man has come out on the other side from Kemp, which loyalty prevails? Do you suddenly see the light on giving it a week or two more? Do you suddenly suggest that, you know, friends, we really could all use a good haircut right now?


  1. I watched the actual press conference. Trump didn't actually say Georgia shouldn't re-open. The NBC piece sort of accurately paraphrases part of what Trump said--carefully buried several paragraphs into the piece, well after its "strongly disagrees" lede, but Trump actually went on at length about the true nature of his disagreement, the timing of the degree of re-opening--by a week--not the re-opening itself.

    Trump also went on at similar length about it being fundamentally the governor's call, and Trump would intervene only if he thought a governor, not just Kemp, were doing something "egregiously" wrong.

    There's no serious split here between Kemp and Trump. Graham, though, could do worse than sticking to matters of concern to South Carolina, to which Georgian questions have only tenuous connection.

    NBC could have been clearer about both of those discussions, and it chose not to. This is a mild example of NLMSM distortion.

    Eric Hines

  2. I haven't watched any of these press conferences. The second-hand coverage of them doesn't suggest to me that the press is covering itself in glory; whether or not Trump is depends on how much the person describing it to me likes him.

  3. If you're not watching them, you're getting no idea at all about the information that's passed on there. Especially, you cannot rely on anything in the press. For instance, today Redfield exposed WaPo's straight up lie about what Redfield said about a potential Wuhan Virus resurgence this winter. That exposure is not in this evening's "reporting."

    It's just not possible to rely on what the NLMSM says someone says; it's necessary to hear what someone says directly from that someone.

    I could do without Trump's attacks on the NLMSM, however deserved, and I could do without Pence's seeming sycophancy.

    However, when Trump is answering questions, he's pretty straightforward. Sometimes it's necessary to filter the marketer hype, but the facts are there and clearly stated. When Pence gets to the facts of his reporting, he's quite straightforward, too. And when the Wuhan Virus team members talk, they're plain straightforward.

    I do think Fauci and Adams are too nice, though. When a reporter asked Fauci yesterday whether he was speaking freely or under pressure from Trump, and when a reporter today asked Adams fundamentally the same question, I think they should have taken more open offense than they did. Further, I think they should have pointed out that since those two reporters doubted their integrity, it was impossible for them to answer any question those two reporters might ask, since logically they couldn't believe any answer, and therefore Fauci and Adams would take no further questions from those two.

    Eric Hines

  4. Well, I don't actually have television up here, so watching them isn't really on the table anyway. The internet barely works with everyone home using it; it wasn't great up here in the mountains anyway. I can read summaries, but streaming video is hard to come by.

  5. ymarsakar7:18 AM

    See what I am talking about, Grim? There's some kind of Invisible War Trum is fighting. And it has to do with the underground networks of the military bases in Georgia. Some kind of operation is going on and civilian casualties will go through the sky, if lockdown is not enforced. Fallujah must be evacuated.

    The internet barely works with everyone home using it; it wasn't great up here in the mountains anyway.

    You know, if satellites actually worked the way the public thinks they do... being on a mountain would be pretty good for satellite internet.

    But satellites are in truth, a very highly classified DOD subject matter. They wouldn't need so many cover studies just to stop the public from figuring it out.

  6. ymarsakar7:22 AM

    I watch Trum's live streams directly from the white house youtube channel and I sit through 90% of it. I play it in the background while I do other research and war strategies.

  7. ymarsakar7:31 AM

    Fauci is actually under a lot of pressure from the Alliance. He cannot have been in the dark as long as he looks. He knows his past and career is on the line, or perhaps has already been sold out. He is a minor player, but he should at least be aware that the Cabal and Alliance need him there for some odd reason.

    So Fauci can't just deny it, because he made peace with his situation. Perhaps he made a deal.

    Trum is preparing the American public for an 8 hour block/stream for disclosure on the Cabal and Invisible War. They don't want to do it during the actual military campaign. The military often would prefer to fight their wars without the media getting in their way or the Senate even. This is the kind of war they work best in, in some ways. In other ways, they are fighting in order for the American people to be informed of all the stuff that has been kept hidden.

    Of course for those living out in the outbacks and oozarks without internet streaming, they have the emergency text broadcasts. ANd maybe even holographic Sky projectors at night tech now.

    The internet going down is a card they hold in reserve. Perhaps as a trump card. A Tru Man card... or a Truman Card.

  8. ymarsakar7:55 AM

    22 minutes in the debriefing 13 hours ago, Trum speaks from the White House video.

    He strongly disagrees with Kem. But governors should do what they feel is right. The phase 1 is about to begin, not phase 2 yet, and it is too soon for these tattoo parlors. (Perhaps because of social distancing). He said they need to wait, it is to soon. (Which means Operations against invisible enemies are still ongoing in Georgia) He loves the people of Georgia. Very resolute. But they only need to wait a little bit, not much. (1 week perhaps) Not too long. Safety must predominate. Governor must do what he thinks is right.

    If he sees something totally egregious, he will do something to stop it (meaning if direct casualties in the war will result from civilians going somewhere)
    Fauci is either coming down with withdrawal symptoms of whatever drugs he is taking, or his voice is giving out due to X.

    Trum is talking a lot about testing. There are some worries about a flashback later on in the months. Trum mentioned July 4th, everyone celebrating.

    Trum is also using a federal hands off approach to the governors and states. This is why I keep telling conservatives and patriots, that it will look like a New World Order is taking over, but it won't work because it is only a state take over of entities under the state. So long as the feds refuse to take over... they can't impose the totalitarian new world order or the Beast system. Not in America at least. People are freaking out, buying up every gun and ammo in sight. I know. That's what people do when they face unknown threats and the shadow of darkness. Rarely is it actually effective in a war, due to the lack of intel and planning.

  9. We have a small-scale version of this kind of disagreement in Texas right now, but because the participants don't hate each other, it gets covered differently. Gov. Abbott is cautiously moving to re-open the state. A North Texas city is signaling that it's interesting in pushing a little harder to open a little faster. The Governor very tactfully said his staff would be consulting with the city about whether its local orders conflicted with state orders and working out any problems like grownups.

    In the meantime, hey, all you people who want to stay home, who's stoppin ya? Stay home. I'm staying home. Not a single police officer has come to my door ordering me to go hang out in a bar letting people cough on me. It turns out I can stay home without putting a gun to my neighbor's head and making him stay home, too. And the hospitals aren't overwhelmed.

  10. ymarsakar12:08 PM

    Let's see how this experiment does in Georgia. Time to lead the way. If something goes wrong... I'll do something about it from my end.

    If the Deep State tries something in Georgia... it'll be interesting.

  11. And the hospitals aren't overwhelmed.

    Some of them are, though. Overwhelmed by absence as orders to not do elective medicine/surgery are turning out to be overreaction, at least in the orders' persistence.

    Eric Hines

  12. Anonymous3:09 PM

    I suspect we're going to open later than the governor allows, up here in the Texas Panhandle, because we've just had a spike in cases. They are centered on a meat-packing plant. One wonders if the health authorities have just started testing all packing-plant workers because of South Dakota and Iowa.


  13. "And the hospitals aren't overwhelmed"

    In fact, I thought this as well, and then realized that NYC had been well over ICU bed capacity for some time already, and will be for a little while yet (Overall beds they're ok).
    I found this out because I saw the story that NYC had ordered EMTs do not resescuitate cardiac patients with no pulse. I was a bit shocked at that, and at the fact that EMTs were openly upset about the order, and marveled at the fact that I had heard nothing on the national or my local news (which does a fair amount of national news) at all. You'd think that the media would be all over a story like that- but no- almost no coverage at all. I suppose because it would make the Democrat Mayor and Democrat Governor not look so good- and didn't really provide a direct smear on Trump without collateral damage to their own.

  14. That order went out on April 2, though the news reports on it were revived this week for some reason. That early in April, NYC still thought it would be critically overwhelmed. I don't believe it happened. They clearly asked for many more ventilators than they ended up needing, and never used a lot of the emergency hospital bed capacity.

    But if NYC's hospital's ICU's are overwhelmed, they are an unusual case nationwide. Hospitals in the rest of the country are laying off staff, they're so empty.
