The Vices Around Alcohol

I think we can all appreciate this tweet:


  1. Then there's the big difference between "No, thank you," and "Oh, no you don't."

  2. I think CS Lewis would approve.

  3. Anonymous10:53 AM

    It is like other behaviors. I personally disapprove of certain activities and life choices. If asked, I will give my opinion. However, so long as all parties involved are consenting adults with full mental faculties (or in the case of drinking alcohol, parents are present and there's no lure-of-the-forbidden) and things are not done to excess, I'm going to keep my mouth shut, or leave if I get too uncomfortable.

    That's what adults are supposed to do. Not force other people to cater to our desires. I can't drink alcohol. I'm not going to demand that other people abstain just because I have to.


  4. ymarsakar11:32 AM

    I was told to expect a roller coaster wide for humanity.

    That means bad news in other countries, but better news in America.

    Americans are being tested. Are they truly the service to other light of the world or... are they just another Deep State cabal engaged in human slave trafficking.

    The shifting has already begun. When there are 900 candidates for a job, you have to choose who to interview.

  5. Cute word play there.

    I suspect that we shall find that drunkenness has caused a fair bit of harm during this quarantine; but the other vice, which spreads beyond drinking to trying to forbid even Easter communion, has done more.

  6. I generally swear off alcohol for Lent, so much of the first part of the lockdown was alcohol-free for me. On Easter Sunday I had a cocktail followed by a glass of wine and immediately developed one heck of a headache. Maybe I'll teetotalitariatize for a while! But I never make a fetish of it.

  7. Yes, Grim, I thought it had a particular resonance for these times.
