The Great Gold Robbery of 1933

It was conducted by the FDR administration against the American people.


  1. ymarsakar9:31 PM

    The Deep State does what the Deep State wishes. Do What Thou Wilt, will be the whole of the law=Aleister C.

    FDR? Just a puppet.
    Hussein Obola? Puppet

    Clintons? Puppets

    G HW Bush? Puppet
    G Bush II? That guy I don't know. He's strange. Could be a sleeper cell assassin for all I know.

    Trum? He's not the Messiah. But at least he ain't getting in my faction's way, so he's doing ok so far.

    So far Americans can only own real gold, if they stash it in Swiss banks that cannot be nationalized. Well even if you have gold, it has to have the London Standard stamp otherwise... hehe.

    I am pretty much the same. Doesn't matter if humanity declares war against me. A pandemic hits. Humanity goes full Zombie APocalypse INSANE. Or Tara/Terra explodes. I keep my head while others lose theirs.

  2. ymarsakar9:34 PM

    The Creature from Jekyll Island documenting the creation of the Federal Reserve (which is not federal) is an interesting story in and of itself.

    It was quite convenient that the Titanic killed off all 3 major factions blocking the FedReserve.

    Dun don doooomm.

  3. ymarsakar2:42 PM

    Also, from what I have heard, there is no gold at Fort Knox. The American bankrupt government likely already gave it to the British superior hierarchy, as a form of tribute.

    What did happen to all that American gold? It's not in the USA.
