The case fatality rate for governments

From Ed Morrissey:
... Europe has rediscovered why borders matter and why government works best on the principle of subsidiarity. The borders lesson got taught the hard way, as I wrote two-plus weeks ago, after Europe and the US precipitated a massive refugee crisis by decapitating the Qaddafi regime in Libya. The flood of refugees from there and Syria created cultural dislocation throughout the Schengen Zone, provoking the Brexit push in the UK and setting the stage for their current disunity.
It should come as no shock that Germans expect the German government to prioritize Germans in an existential crisis rather than a super-national quasi-governing body. Nor should it shock anyone that the same is true for the French, the Italians, and so on. That doesn’t mean that they can’t work cooperatively to approach common interests and problems, but that in a crisis, they’re responsible to their own citizens first and foremost....
"... All these European rules need to be reviewed. In recent years, Europe actually made us close hospitals and schools. Then, in our hour of need, the citizens of Italy realized we are on our own."

1 comment:

  1. ymarsakar10:15 AM

    Libya had the highest living standards for the general population, of all Africa, at one time before America and NATO put a stop to that.

    Ever wonder what that was about?

    Ever wondered what happened to the 2.3+ trillion USD, Rumsfeld said the Pentagon couldn't account for on September 10th, 2001?

    Ever wonder what happeend to the 21+ trillion unaccounted for after a recent DOD internal audit?

    Here's a hint: Deep State black budget war funding.
