Texas: Religious Services Essential

You guys have a good governor. Now take care doing it so this doesn't become a stick to beat religious people.


  1. Well, my church never stopped, but the number of people present in person is now minimal, allowing safe distancing. The rest of us tune in by video.

    The Commissioners Court has just dragged itself into the 21st century and done a couple of trial runs today by Zoom. The video will be thrown up on YouTube for anyone who wants only to watch, not to address the Court. We'll probably be doing the same soon for all the public agencies, and there are a dozen or more, that have to comply with the Open Meetings Act but, for the time being, don't want to gather in a room.

  2. Somewhat surprisingly, going to and from a place of worship is allowed under Virginia's "stay at home" order. Places of worship have been treated as de facto essential, even if not specifically named as such.

  3. Anonymous9:54 PM

    The place where I usually sing has announced that it will be early May before the doors reopen for group worship. They record the service with a small group and broadcast it. I believe the concern is legal liability if they open the doors and someone falls ill.


  4. ymarsakar7:29 AM


    Grim, any problems with the additional terms and conditions, for our little bet?

    Somebody should still volunteer as a witness.

  5. Let me see if I’ve understood them.

    1) If you win, you only want to write one post;

    2) If you lose, you will only accept terms that you believe have divine approval.

    Is that a good translation of what you proposed?

  6. ymarsakar4:19 PM

    1. One post or article covering a subject I am expert in, unless somebody asks me a question or wants another topic covered.

    2. Since my god has a particular laundry lists of things I should or should not do, it is best if you have a collection bag of requests for me to select 1 or 2 items from.

    3. I am more concerned about the verification methods that determines what the bet is on and how it is determined.

  7. As far as (3) goes, I assume that if there is a Fallujah-style war going on inside a major American city, we shall have no problem verifying it.

  8. ymarsakar6:45 AM

    And when the theater of operations is underground? Who is going to report on that.

    The war assets that are being used belongs partially to ground and Space Force, as well as the Navy, but they are only mostly conventional. Nobody knows what it looks like, because the effects of DEW's are not de classified.

    The only thing that would pop up are casualties. Which, most people will assume is due to Covid whatever.

  9. ymarsakar6:50 AM


    These operations are already activated, hence the large amount of "historical war" language this person keeps outputting on his streams and twitter.

    This "Invisible War" as he calls it includes many objectives being taken that is not released yet.

    But by the end of May, a lot of things will be clearer. US military operations have taken since November of 2019 to begin mobilizing, as there were a few joint exercises as well as re organization of Space Force, with Raymond put in charge of an independent sixth branch of the military. They have had a few months to mobilize and get their forces in the right location. But judging by the historical activity of US ground forces in Iraq 2003, the actual campaign itself will only take a month to 2 months. The campaign has no set ending date, so there's no way to tell when Trum is going to unveil the results.

    What is your response to 1 and 2?

  10. And when the theater of operations is underground?

    And invisible war carried out underground will not constitute a "Fallujah-style" fight in an American city. Whether such things happen or don't happen is irrelevant to the wager.

    What is your response to 1 and 2?

    1) is fine. 2) is probably the best I can hope for, although I would prefer clearer terms than that.
