Radio Silence

Democratic Senators mostly are keeping silent about the sexual assault charge against Biden. So-called “women’s groups” are refusing comment as well.
One prominent women’s political group cited a scheduling conflict and asked to be kept “in mind for other opportunities!” When pressed if the following day would work better, an associate said it would not, citing another scheduling conflict.
A few potential VP candidates have summoned up the courage to say they don’t believe Biden’s accuser, Tara Reade.  That answer is problematic for the party too, but it’s what they have to say if they say anything. So...


  1. The theme I'm seeing this week is, "Why should we pay attention to an allegation against a member of Team Blue, when the opposition flouts all the sexual norms?"

    I'm OK with a statute of limitations on sexual harassment claims. I'm less OK with a free-for-all on all sexual harassment claims going back to childhood with zero corroboration. Whatever standard we pick, though, let's apply it evenly, and quit playing the "what about" and "where were you when" game.

    These people are just torqued that their credibility is in flaming ruins. I've ceased caring what they allege about anything.

  2. raven3:13 PM

    Most all "feminists", "women's groups","green organizations","racial justice groups", , etc, are nothing more than communist front groups.
    They will sacrifice their ostensible principals in a second to further a leftist cause, even if it means a 180 degree reversal.

    "These people are just torqued that their credibility is in flaming ruins. I've ceased caring what they allege about anything."

    So, assuming they get that far, is there any reason what so ever we should obey their laws?

  3. The threat of force, obviously. Other than that..,

  4. ymarsakar7:42 AM

    Humans Obey Authority because of fear. Fear of death. Fear of lacking resources. Fear of being wrong. Fear of going against the entirety of humanity.

    A sage is required, first and foremost, to be agreeable to having all of humanity become their enemies. For that is what it would take, in the worst case scenario. This is also why primary religions killed their own saints (Jean of Orleans) and their own prophets (Bible), and even their own Holy One God (Jesus).

    Humans get very angry and mad (literally insane) over minor things between their family, that they would just brush off with strangers. This is very peculiar, but also very similar to what goes on at different realms.

  5. ymarsakar7:47 AM

    They will sacrifice their ostensible principals in a second to further a leftist cause, even if it means a 180 degree reversal.

    A good example would be the Gestapo, SS, or NKVD finding one of their own party members guilty. What would happen?

    If that person is determined to be an enemy of the State, they are disappeared. If that person is determined to be an ally of the state or even the Fuhrer himself, then it does not matter if they violate DNA/Jewish laws. They are too important to lose.

    Organizations do not run according to principles. They run according to Power, Authority, Totalitarian Satan evil slavery, and last but not least of all, fear/obedience.

    Satan, the civilization not the person that is the boogie man of many religious cultures, is a totalitarian civilization, not just a cult. This civilization is based on the precept of masters giving orders, and slaves benefiting from obeying those orders. The slaves are happy. The masters are happy. Everyone is one big happy (tortured) family!

    Humans mimic this functional or rather dysfunctional family dynamic in organizations, nations, cultures, groups, family groups, marriages, etc.
