No Opening in North Carolina

Governor Cooper is taking a more cautious approach than Georgia, Tennessee, or South Carolina. I had a moment of hope when he scheduled a call today specifically for the rural parts of the state. It would make a lot of sense to do as Texas is doing, and begin with areas of low population density and where new cases are not emerging.

But no, what he wanted to talk about was government programs. Reopening will have to wait until we have “sufficient” testing capacity, whatever that means, and he wasn’t clear about exactly what the standard for sufficiency is. It also has to wait until they’ve fully staffed a 500-person task force whose job is to track down all the people who’ve come into contact with any new positives and quarantine them.

Until then, hey, we’ve got all kinds of welfare options, and eviction protections, and we hope you’ll apply for loans to keep your business paying people. And we swear that improving internet access and quality out there is a real priority for us so you can work from home. That’ll happen any year now.


  1. Anonymous9:18 PM

    It sounds as Richmond, VA, has escaped quarantine and is now afflicting NC. My condolences. I suspect Irish Democracy will rear its head in the rural areas pretty soon.


  2. Out this way it has already appeared. But Western NC was chiefly populated by Scots who came here just because it was uncontrollable.

  3. My wife said, “You know, the cops were really out in force the first week, but lately they have all disappeared.” And it’s true: I haven’t seen one in a while.

  4. That’s wisdom. What you don’t see, you can’t be faulted for not stopping.

  5. Curiously enough, out here in California, a few counties started opening beaches back up, and then it comes out that Newsom wants to put out an order to close all beaches. Almost right away Newport Beach voted to ignore him and keep their beach open. Surfers, freedom loving by nature, but also generally non-confrontational, have been getting a restless, and started coming out to defy orders. Expect more of that. It's getting interesting.

  6. There's a reason why the root of quarantine is 'forty'.

  7. ymarsakar7:33 AM

    Humanity is ruled by fear. But not everyone Obeys Authority, so to speak.

    To define a term that humanity has defined incorrectly: the Divine, the gods, and the angels, are not fundamentally different from the Creator/Creation or humanity.

    This division is not between a car and a human boy. The division is between a fetus, a toddler, a child that speaks, a teen, a young adult, and an elder. The spectrum is divided into maturity levels, of spiritual comprehension and discipline, not into God, gods, angels, archangels, and humans.

    The Matrix is divided between mortal and immortal, if only because this RPG System would not work otherwise. So another classification can be inside the Matrix vs outside the Matrix. God as separate from the Creation itself, is a particularly bad idea, that opposes the Divine Plan itself.

    If humanity understand and accepted these precepts, they would not have fallen for this mass 2020 deception. This is why the times are necessary, to educate and discipline people. How do you teach people not to breathe in water or touch red fires? Just let them experience it for themselves, if they feel so gung ho and wise about it.

  8. There's a reason why the root of quarantine is 'forty'.

    I've looked at that word a gazillion times and I study Italian and I never saw that. Very cool piece of info. In fact, according to my rather elderly dictionary, one of the definitions of "quarantine" is simply: A period of 40 days.


  9. My County Judge and the two local mayors just announced that our lockdown order, which expires today, will not be renewed. That means short-term rentals are allowed again, and the beaches and boat ramps are open. Per Gov. Abbott's recent order, most businesses, including restaurants, can re-open at 50% capacity. Bars, gyms, and hair/nail salons are still closed.

  10. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Grim, my maternal ancestors got tossed out of Scotland, then out of Northern Ireland, then out of North Carolina, rolled through Tennessee, and ended up in Texas. Something about being afflicted with animal magnetism - we kept attracting the neighbor's livestock. ;) Apparently they were also bad about following instructions from authorities.


  11. Yes, we have a similar story, although we stopped in Tennessee. My mother's Clan (Donnachaidh) is regularly included on jocular "members of the following clans will keep out of the nearby cattle pasture" signs posted at Scottish Highland Games.

  12. Elise, thanks. It's not original, I've seen other people post it. Glad to know it's not an urban legend.

  13. The word quarantine is derived from the Italian for “forty days,” which was the period of time that ships were required to isolate offshore in the 14th and 15th centuries, to avoid introducing the Black Death in Italy.

  14. That's a long time to sit on a Medieval ship off the coast.
