New Filing: Corrupt FBI Agents Committed Crimes to Frame Flynn

They’re going hard here.  I’m in danger of confirmation bias in this case, because I liked and admired Flynn for his work in Afghanistan. I never wanted to believe bad things about him, and may be too ready to believe good things.

On the other hand, it’s of a piece with many other revelations about the FBI and politics lately.


  1. His initial counsel has a lot to answer for.

  2. Even if he were a miserable useless SOB he shouldn't be framed. I am really glad he got this attorney. She is not only good for him, but good at forcing information into the light.

  3. Covingto & Burling-----Senior Partner is Eric Holder.

    Mere coincidence.

  4. ColoComment2:41 PM

    These revelations in the Flynn case, and all that's been disclosed relating to the "Russia" hoax / Mueller "investigation" seem more likely found in a political-thriller plot than in real life. [Anyone old enough to remember Allen Drury? unlikely & utterly fanciful we believed his plot lines.]
    The breadth and depth of the DOJ/FBI/DNI/Et al. malfeasance is extraordinary. The demonstrated arrogance and deliberate criminality of it all is appalling.


  5. In this scandal, it's getting to the point that drawing this coverup out and dragging it on and on with blocked redacted documents and engineered deflections becomes a worse offense than the initial one, because of the damage it inflicts on the idea of justice. If it keeps dragging on it's going to take a Dead Pool to make it right.

  6. ymarsakar11:02 PM

    People still think they know what happened at Waco 1 and Waco 2. A lot of the details are... missing.
