National Tartan Day

It's National Tartan Day, which is an opportunity for Americans to celebrate Scottish heritage -- both our personal heritage, and the tremendous contributions that Scotland has made to our national heritage. Many states have registered district tartans that residents can wear, including both the state in which I was born and the state in which I currently reside.

The Carolina District Tartan

Georgia District Tartan


  1. Anonymous8:56 PM

    The Presbyterian church I attended in Flat State had the Kirkin 'o the Tartans every year. That was great. However, the sanctuary was just a wee bit small for the sound from the bagpipes.


  2. As a holder of Scouting’s Wood Badge training award (that is Scouting throughout the world, not just a BSA award) I have the authorization of the McLaren clan to wear their tartan. Indeed, a piece of it is on the neckerchief that’s every holder is awarded.

  3. That's very nice, Ron.

  4. Ah, I never knew that about the Wood badge neckerchief, Ron. Fascinating.
