Leadership failed, and by leadership I mean Comey

It was lies all the way down.
The FBI’s former chief of intelligence Kevin Brock, who served under prior Director Robert Mueller, said the new IG findings add to a body of evidence that Comey’s tenure at FBI was infected with a record of noncompliance.“
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Not a single application from the past five years reviewed by the inspector general was up to snuff," Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, lamented. "That’s alarming and unacceptable."
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For longtime FBI leaders like Brock, Comey’s tenure inflicted a culture shift that may take years for the country’s premier law enforcement agency to shed. 
"This is not the way it has always been in the FBI. Very specific policies and procedures were written in the early 2000s to ensure the proper use of confidential sources, to assess their reliability and credibility, to protect against abuses and mistakes,” Brock said. “Somewhere along the line, actual practice drifted away from these protective policies. And management and legal counsel didn’t step in. Leadership failed.”


  1. Leadership didn't fail.

    Leadership Chose.

    Leadership - Led.

    They Led.

    These were choices.

    The belief in the rule of law, IG, practices...how adorable.
    Very touching.

    Just not grounded in any reality beyond a Frank Capra worldview, and we're past Mr. Smith and positively into the Angel Clarence.

    The real Jimmy Stewart of course made different choices, as did the men of that time - Jimmy Stewart flew 20 missions over Germany and doubtless snarled inside at the enemy as the bombs dropped.

    The Rule of Law and this Frank Capra worldview has its uses, mainly at moments like now, for now is the time to help your neighbors. Which I am, as are so many around me. It doesn't solve anything, but it helps them get through this time of trouble. Solving the trouble is a different matter.

    Other than that The Rule of Law is a tale for children, women, and gentle, trusting people. What men must do is very different. What they tell their children and hopefully wives, mothers is....Clarence just got his wings.

    Rule of Law Sir is Religion- it isn't, well...real.

    Ding, Ding.

  2. ymarsakar10:45 AM

    I was not expecting much better out of the Deep State agencies responsible for Bay of Pigs, Diem's assassination, JFK's assassination, Waco 1, Waco 2, Ruby Ridge, and so on.

    Was anyone here expecting that their government were actual Loyal Opposition and patriots? Some are, but they don't make decisions, before Trum came online at least.

  3. Ymar is right. The FBI's leadership didn't fail. The FBI gleefully accepted this leadership. It should be disbanded; so should the whole of the DOJ.

  4. What really bothers me about this is that the Star Court judges knew of the requirement for these Woods files, and not one of them asked to see them. They just rubber-stamped the warrant applications.

    This is just one more stand-alone reason for getting rid of this Star Chamber.

    ...so should the whole of the DOJ [be disbanded].

    Not just yet. We got by for 100 years, more or less, with just an AG and no DoJ. Today, we have far too many Federal criminal laws; these need to be heavily culled (like about 90%) and true police powers restored to the States before we can get by without a DoJ, again. What would help in mean time would be a 100% turnover of personnel in the FBI above line agents and in DoJ above line lawyers, with those dismissed or relieved not eligible for Federal employment or office for some significant number of years.

    Eric Hines

  5. "What really bothers me about this is that the Star Court judges knew of the requirement for these Woods files, and not one of them asked to see them. They just rubber-stamped the warrant applications."
    Adds to the whole mess. They should be impeached by the House, at least.

  6. ymarsakar6:47 AM

    The Star Court judges are obeying their orders. Not just their careers and name reputation are on the line... their families and lives are also.

    Many Americans just do not realize the amount of Pressure and Leverage the Deep State can utilize, when they feel like. Go look at Roberts and see what he thought he was doing on O Care taxes.

    CPS Child Protective Services in all 50 states, can be used to take your children and then they'll be gone in the trafficking network. This is a truth and fact that Americans don't want to deal with. Because it is too deeply hidden in the trauma of the race and nation. It is like the repression and memory loss of an alcoholic. It is designed to keep them function able.

  7. ymarsakar6:54 AM

    I would also make another point. Hussein, aka Obola, the Clintons or the Bushes or whatever Comey... they are just pawns basically. They are at nearly the lowest rank on the hierarchy of the Deep State. They are like.... lance corporals or second lieutenants. They aren't very valuable nor do they know much.

    So the people are focused on these fall guys and sacrificial goats, but I never actually believed, even in 2008, that Hussein, your President, was the problem. Everybody else thought he was the problem and I just sorta went along with it, but now I distinctly remember, I did not actually want to talk about blaming Hussein. Because he's just one puppet. He doesn't really matter. It is the Leftist alliance, a mafia type organization, that people need to worry about.

    In an alliance, you can't just kill the top or the bottom, and ignore everybody else. This doesn't blow up the organization of crime. You can't prosecute them either, because the jurors and judges will be bought or eliminated. Eliminated just like DJTrum said he would eliminate the obstacles to X, while fighting a war. Anyone think Trum is just making stuff up as he goes along? He's actually serious. This guy, America's President, was briefed on a percentage of what I know. It is quite obvious why he ran.

  8. ymarsakar7:04 AM

    Ymar is right. The FBI's leadership didn't fail.

    Also, that was Bdoran, not Ymar's comment. The one about leadership.

  9. CPS Child Protective Services in all 50 states, can be used to take your children and then they'll be gone in the trafficking network.

    Maybe the case for city folks who don't know about Personal Protection Equipment line made by Smith and Wesson.

    As to the topic of the post: Comey is NOT the only FEEB with integrity deficiency. At last count, I think it was 7-8 managers who were clearly, on-the-record, lying or cheating--only a couple of whom were fired.

    And the investigation is hardly over with.

    One more thing: Comey was Mueller's protege. Don't forget that.

  10. ymarsakar10:31 AM

    Maybe the case for city folks who don't know about Personal Protection Equipment line made by Smith and Wesson.

    I have never heard a single American story about such a resistance attempt. Now there may be many and nobody reported on it that I had a source on, but the "Rule of Law" was an American Founding Religion, as of a few years ago.

    People have guns, but whether they choose to use it is based on whether they want to be free or not. And Americans still presume that the Deep State only has comparable conventional arms to oppose their AR 15 pea shooters with.... unfortunately and sadly, the American militia and the 3% defense forces, lack up to date intel. And lack of intel is usually what kills people in war, not their tactical brilliance or lack of it.

    Even more than a year ago, I told Tex and others here that a significant number of children are being disappeared or trafficked through Texas' CPS. Nobody wanted to think about that. Texas is a place without guns or the willingness to use it?

    I have been personally checking the US President's emotional aura and what he is letting slip in his press streams. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump

    I paraphrase as closely as I can, "to win the war", "to avoid danger". But he also said it will miraculously disappear and that it is not worth closing down the economy. So what is this guy talking about, is he going senile like Sleepy Joe?

    No, Trum is not making a rhetorical point about a "war". He is talking about the Real War. The only real war in recent US history, vs domestic enemies. The danger he is thinking of is not a danger due to being sick but being caught in a Fallujah II style cross fire between insurgents, patriots, and who knows what else is going to stand up. This is a war against the Deep State, against the Cabal, against international and domestic traitors. This is the Last Battle of humanity, more or less, in this End Game cycle of mankind.

    As for people with guns able to resist CPS. Did Waco 1 or Waco 2 resist the Federal Government with those guns? Resistance does not mean they win. They will be annihilated, and the Feds didn't even use unconventional exotic weapons or all that much firepower or manpower. But individual families that seek to protect their children, they have enough firepower, AR 15 pea shooters at the 7.62mm receiver, can fight off the Federal and State SWAT teams and death squads of the Deep State insurgency? That is not likely by all my strategic analysis of this war.

  11. ymarsakar10:32 AM

