
The "dangerous" Michael Moore film "Planet of the Humans" has been retracted by its distributor.  The powers-that-be have declared that it contains misinformation, some of which contradicts the peer-reviewed consensus.

Maybe Moore can get to work now on a movie about censorship and herd mentality.


  1. Apparently the distributor has *not* taken the film down; one outlet did temporarily but later restored it.

    But still, the strident demands for censorship...of all kinds of things...are alarming.

  2. Jason Van Steenwyk keeps trying to share a video about the AYTU Healight that YouTube keeps taking down for 'violating its terms of service.' Basically it's a light that is inserted down the breathing tube of a patient to employ light therapy inside the lungs -- the sort of thing Trump was asking about, but the YouTube terms of service require that everyone thinks he's an idiot who wants you to drink bleach.

  3. Gringo2:34 PM

    The "dangerous" Michael Moore film "Planet of the Humans" has been retracted by its distributor. The powers-that-be have declared that it contains misinformation...
    When has misinformation ever resulted in the suppression of Michael Moore work? This is a first time- though far from the first time of "misinformation" in a Michael Moore work.

  4. The strident calls for censorship may be alarming, but the only thing new about this tactic is that it's being laid against a progressive figure this time. And the way these things work, it's only a matter of time before these kinds of tyrants, who want to beat 'alternative opinions' by eliminating the opportunity for audiences, go to town on their own. The definition of 'alternative' gets narrower and narrower with time as you run out of victims to harass.

  5. There is no one worse to them than the apostate.

  6. ymarsakar12:31 PM

    Basically it's a light that is inserted down the breathing tube of a patient to employ light therapy inside the lungs

    Next the "main stream" will be using crystal therapy. Light, sound frequencies, they all impact human light bodies. Apparently people never learned in school what type of frequencies crystals have or why they are piezoelectric.
