Good Friday

I don’t have any great words this year, but it is right to mark the occasion. Endure the fast, have faith that better things will come.


  1. ymarsakar6:13 PM

    The stock market has bottomed out. Only one more Dip event to go through.

  2. ymarsakar6:13 PM

    Also, again, sell everything before the elections around September.

    I never liked the October surprise disruptions. They are hard to predict astrologically.

  3. ymarsakar6:20 PM

    Why the problems? Because there won't be an election, or even a President, set this year.

    Look up the "mail in vote" problem.

  4. ymarsakar6:46 PM

    A useful briefing and analysis.

  5. ymarsakar7:55 PM

    Passover 2020 begins at sundown on Wednesday, April 8, and ends Thursday evening, April 16.

    Most of the operations started on April 4/5th during the stellar configurations. It makes sense that it will end during this time.

    Trum's Easter Friday talk was pretty good. Lots of hints about the hidden military operations in America. Cheyenne mountain has activated. Milcom has too. Have not checked them yet.

  6. Those are all the words we need today, Grim.

  7. ymarsakar6:02 AM

    This sounds a lot more like the military is being deployed and the cover story is corona. When the key command and control c3 and c4 activates, the connections get easier to be made.

    As the pandemic grows, the Pentagon has moved to stop public disclosure of where sick troops are located out of “operational security” concerns. The fear is that too much information could give adversaries an idea of potential military vulnerabilities. Although restrictions had been discussed, on Friday all military public affairs officers were officially notified by the Pentagon that the services could only release information of total number of cases and not the locations of the troops.

    That's not them treating it as a war because of something Trum said. They ARE in a war, literally, when OPSEC is utilized like that.

  8. ymarsakar7:34 AM

    Q Anon started posting stuff soon after the April 4/5 operation. Classic OPSEC freeze, now suddenly all these Q drops start happening, as if they are supporting a war effort using psychological operations (positive motivation for allies).

    Propaganda in this sense, applies to both allies and enemies. To enemies, it can demoralize them. To allies, it motivates them and keeps them strong.

    These are two links that have videos covering, from the viewpoint of the Anti Cabal, what is going on. I don't get my news or info from the ALt Right or the Alliance.
