Clear Rules

What's the problem people are having understanding this?


  1. ymarsakar7:15 AM

    Maybe because I've been thinking about these war tactics and strategy for many many years, but this situation is quite clear to me.

    I know people are losing their heads, including the so called elite and America's political puppets that are called leaders... and fuhrers, but I have not lost my head. Nor am I running around in a panic like a chicken with its head cut off.

    Humanity is losing it. That's a good thing, because the Cabal lives inside humanity. The thing about this Invisible War is that most people will only wake up after the war is over, or at lesat the pivotal battles are over.

  2. Great delivery as well as writing

  3. I saw what must have been a partial transcript of that the other day on FB. I like the video version better!

    I definitely know better than to get my medical advice from the government, so I'm concentrating on not doing anything publicly that's likely to cause a riot, unless it's necessary, in which case Katie bar the door, you can't tell me what to do, unless I'll be arrested, but probably not.

    Seriously, I'm trying not to do much rabble-rousing on FB, where I clearly have too many readers who believe whatever they read, no matter how hedged about with caution and uncertainty. I just occasionally provide a fact or two where I think people are going around the bend, especially with rat-in-a-coffee-can nonsense about 100% reliable scientific medical truths, because HCQ will totally kill you or the lack of it will, one or the other! and brand-new you-won't-believe-this Constitutional analysis ("did you know you ABSOLUTELY CAN'T BE ARRESTED for this?").

    Yeah. No.

    There's a new WaPo story about a VA study suggesting that HCQ treatment is no more effective than nothing, and maybe worse. It's an observational study, not double-blind, but now that it has the result WaPo and its readers want, it's SCIENCE. And to quote a neighbor, "You're literally killing people! This is not a game!" Actually, it's just like a game: it's all My Team vs. Your Team, which is exactly how game-players act. I say: if we have to wait for double-blind studies to be sure, then we do, even if you've started to like the result of mere observational studies, because CheetoMan. My view is: an unshakeable conviction that a treatment does more harm than good is no more scientific than an unshakeable conviction that it does more good than harm, until you have reliable data, which we aren't going to have by 5pm today. Many of us are going to be rolling the dice, in consultation with our own doctors. If I had HCQ in stock and thought I was infected, I'd take it, so sue me. Don't want to take it? Don't take it. I really don't care which presidential candidate you support on this one.

  4. There's nothing coming out of the VA that can be trusted. Even taking them seriously, that's a heavily skewed population of folks afflicted with a variety of...comorbitities...and that is significantly older--two groups known to have very poor chances to begin with against the Wuhan Virus.

    Put that together with what WaPo puts out, and it's not even bad satire. It's just an in-your-face to the tree huggers.

    Another aspect of interest, at least to me: Steve McQueen was ridiculed, briefly and lightly, for going to Mexico to try the peach pit extract cure for his cancer. The Left is hysterical over the use of hydroxychloroquine, either alone or in combination with azithromycin, each of which and their combination have been shown, for decades, to be both safe and effective against other diseases and along a vector that makes it at least plausible against the Wuhan Virus.

    Eric Hines
