Beware this Woman

Hear, O ye free, her hymn to Big Brother.


  1. My turn to have limited access to the press; although, with me, it's my choice.

    The London Times' piece is behind a demand to allow the paper to infest my laptop with cookies--which I will not allow. Alphabet's search engine often has bypasses to such barriers, but not this time.

    The headline (I assume) pretty much says it all, though, and it's sad to see Great Britain is fallen so low.

    Eric Hines

  2. The subhead says: “Don’t let the civil liberties lobby blind us to the fact that greater state surveillance, including ID cards, is required.”

    She opens by mocking their concerns about police overreach, says they’ll like intense and intrusive surveillance less, and then calls for it.

  3. Big Brother's Baby Sister.

    Eric Hines

  4. raven2:48 PM

    Assuming there is a pandemic worthy of the word to start with.

    When thing is "over", I want to see the excess mortality rate numbers.

    All evidence to date suggests it is killing people who would have died of some other cause in the very near future. We are just seeing flu deaths pulled forward.

    Never in course of human history have so many panicked over so little.

  5. You know my caution against extreme statements, such as "always," "never," "all," of "none." They signify a person who has adopted a POV and has stopped listening and learning. All evidence to date does not suggest it is only killing people who would have died of some other cause in the very near future. The evidence for that proposition is only poor to fair. The key item is to remember that "underlying condition" is big enough to drive a truck through. Most people over the age of 60 have an underlying condition, but it doesn't mean they have a life expectancy of less than 12 months.

    Also "Never in the course of human history" as the beginning of a sentence is going to attract a lot of contrary nominations.

  6. raven7:51 PM

    Nominate away- I could not resist the Churchill quote alteration...

    Seriously, have you looked at the Italian data? The NYC data? The Virginia data? Those are the ones I could find a week or so ago that showed age, and condition, as well as infected, deaths, hospitalizations etc. All indicate the deaths are overwhelmingly people over 70, with bad co-morbidity's. And almost every "young person AKA 20-40 dying shows they are badly compromised with something- in some cases, morbidly obese.
    And as a side note- very often, published cases DO NOT include the age or condition of the deceased.

    I am not set in stone on this by any means- when it started in Wuhan then moved to Iran and Italy I figured we had devastating problem on our hands- I changed my mind based on the published data from afflicted areas. In many cases, a third to a half of the death total is in nursing homes, where the average life expectancy is less than a year.
    And the reports keep coming in about how much more widespread this is than initially thought, and how the vast bulk of the population that gets it has none of mild symptoms. Like the 397 homeless test in MA, 137 tested positive, none had any symptoms. And the reports from the viral load in the MA sewage treatment plant indicating there must be loads more infected than thought. And the study out of California looking for antibodies that estimated there were 50 times more people that had been exposed than they figured.

    I genuinely think we are looking at ginned up mass hysteria. Yes, we are getting spikes- this is a bad time to be in poor physical condition- but as it stands now, I do not think this is anywhere near the threat it is made out to be, for the general population. It may well mutate, and get worse, or it may not- who knows. But there seems to be a lot of interest in portraying it as some doom event. Wanna buy some tulips? How about some South Sea trading stock? Lot of Satan worship in the pre schools, ya know. That the sort of feeling I am getting. Hysteria.

    (incidentally, and off topic, if anyone is unfamiliar with the satanist preschool hysteria in the 1980's, it is worth examining- Dorothy Rabinowitz of the WSJ blew the lid off the story ,exposing what a bunch of BS it was-although I believe a lot of people were falsely convicted. most of whom could not afford a lawyer.)

    The thing that really bothers me is it is being overtly used as a political weapon and covertly used as a tool to manipulate- we are not under quarantine, we are not sick- we are under house arrest. Hopefully it is not a trial run for some other emergency.

    And because in general I despise conspiracy nuts, I hate to say this- but the initial news out of China had a very orchestrated appearance, almost as if designed to make the rest of the world freak out. All these reports were "leaked out" with dramatic videos, then the info got chopped off, as if the chi-coms finally got their censorship act together. Or they distributed the info they wanted out.

    The sheep-o-meter is getting a good workout. Can't believe the frightened young men and women I see. Sad, really.

  7. ymarsakar8:04 AM

    Something interesting is fated by the heavens to occur around May 3rd to 4th.

    That may be a problem with more fear/stock disruption. Or it could be a political flashback or blowback due to Trum attempting to re open things. Or it could be verification of proper treatments for diseases, motivating people to action.

    Positive emotions in America will extend through due to Mercury Aries energy, but I can't see beyond May 3rd. States are destined to open as a result of this. Last time Mercury was unblocked was the stock market craze of Jan/February 2020. Even with insiders selling like mad because they knew the Deep State would crash the world economy via martial law/totalitarian pandemic lockdowns, it still went up like crazy. That's the power of Mercury. Very quick mobility. And a very quick crash once it is done with the run.

    June 13th is another fateful point.

    For the previous combination near April 3rd/4th, no news is good news. It means the Deep State Cabal failed with their Passover/Easter sacrificial ritual to call in another doomsday. The next ritual will be somewhere in Ramadan.

  8. ymarsakar8:23 AM

    And the reports from the viral load in the MA sewage treatment plant indicating there must be loads more infected than thought

    That was because some areas were seeded with the nano tech scale machines, viruses, in the water and air. It's not a big issue, since nobody can "catch" a virus, unless they are injected with the cells animal and human hybrid.

    In many cases, a third to a half of the death total is in nursing homes, where the average life expectancy is less than a year.

    Not much sun, moon, or star light while stuck in a building.

    Like the 397 homeless test in MA, 137 tested positive, none had any symptoms.

    They get a lot of sun, moon, and star light. Which boosts their immunity and vitality quite well.

    And the study out of California looking for antibodies that estimated there were 50 times more people that had been exposed than they figured.

    The Deep State likely staged the first experimental Corona in 2019. Since it was not modified or "mutated" in 2019, hence Corona 19, it was not as crazy virulent as the current ones.

    The current ones are called Corona 19, but technically, it should be Covid 20 by now.

    There are so many variations of flu/cold, they don't even bother naming it with numbers or years.

    but as it stands now, I do not think this is anywhere near the threat it is made out to be, for the general population.

    But they didn't know that. Due to the actions of my faction, the lethality was toned down by several orders of magnitude.

    Why would the rich sell off all their stocks and not buy the dip, if they knew it was just a minor issue? They were told the New World Order was going to declare martial law and mobilize 1-3% of 7.6 billion in Fedayeen terrorist sleeper cells to gain "totalitarian control" of finance and world government. This is World Domination, make no mistake about it, Raven. But it is a comical failed world domination because the stronger evil becomes, the stronger their opposition becomes to answer it.

    (incidentally, and off topic, if anyone is unfamiliar with the satanist preschool hysteria in the 1980's, it is worth examining- Dorothy Rabinowitz of the WSJ blew the lid off the story ,exposing what a bunch of BS it was-although I believe a lot of people were falsely convicted. most of whom could not afford a lawyer.)

    It was mostly a distraction event to get the focus off the Satanic pedo rituals in Hollywood and DC.

  9. ymarsakar8:28 AM

    Can't believe the frightened young men and women I see. Sad, really.

    Humans are weak. As for conspiracies, many people that are your political and American allies, now believe there's a problem with Epsteins, Pizzagate, as referenced by Q Anon and Alt Right Trum prosecution of human trafficking.

    It's sad because of Rahu in Ardra, but that energy has cycled out now. People will get angry at this Invisible Enemy once they are briefed on what the War was all about.

    This is the Storm.

    More world shaking revelations are yet to come for 2020.

    The campaign is going quite well, according to Divine Plan even.

  10. ymarsakar8:32 AM

    One of the reasons the Justice department was so against that group in Waco 1, was because they had captured the children and put them through DOJ 24/72 hour straight interrogation without sleep, and obtained "proof" that this cult leader was abusing children.

    In order to obtain the release of those children, the Waco 1 compound was told to disarm. But when you hear that the DOJ and feds did that to your children to force false confessions from them... are you gonna disarm your family that is being sieged by the ATF?

    So I know very well how they conducted the distraction campaign to "save children". But I ask this. If American lawyers were so motivated to protect children by prosecuting Satanic ritual users... why did they not go after Catholic priests, Hollywood pedos, and politicians working with Epstein?

    Because they Obey Orders and those orders told them to go after innocent people. To distract the Hounds.

  11. ymarsakar8:37 AM

    Number of allegations
    The number of alleged abuses increased in the 1960s, peaked in the 1970s, declined in the 1980s and by the 1990s had returned to the levels of the 1950s.[66]

    Of the 11,000 allegations reported by bishops in the John Jay study, 3300 were not investigated because the allegations were made after the accused priest had died. 6700 allegations were substantiated, leaving 1000 which could not be substantiated.

    According to the John Jay report, one-third of the accusations were made in the years 2002-2003. Another third of the allegations were reported between 1993 and 2001.[66]

    In consideration to the victims who reported their abuse, there are still many victims that have not reported their perpetrators and continue to survive with their experiences. In terms of children, data illustrates that the number of child-victims are “significantly underreported”.[5] According to academic journal Deviant Behavior, “Approximately 78% of the victims (male and females) were between the age of 11 and 17, 16% were between 8 and 10, and 6% were younger than 7”

    While I do not accuse the Vatican of conspiracies (many exorcists from the Vatican do that enough already), I find it VERY convenient that the so called Satanic ritual hunters peaked in the 1980s just in time to cover for the 1970 fear about corrupt officials in high power preying on children.

    For an intel analyst, this is almost conclusive in and of itself, as a pattern. Who benefits?
