An Objection

They don't really have the resources to enforce all these mandates, which have proliferated far beyond their capacity to deploy anyone to force the issue. At some point they are going to hit a psychological wall at which the ordinary person is going to stop obeying. What then? Shoot to kill? Gun stores are essential businesses.


  1. I thought my county would go nuts over the idea of closing boat ramps, but in fact the dominant fear was that leaving them open would draw careless tourists. The consensus seems to be that now is a time to pull together, even if that means abandoning the favorite local pastime for a month or so. Nobody seriously thinks the tiny local police force can or will enforce the order. Instead there's a nearly unified social consensus enforcing it. The attitude is, "You should be thinking about how to protect your elderly friends, not about how hard it is to go without fishing for a little while." Count me extremely surprised.

  2. These orders are going to have to be lifted before the cases and deaths from C19 drop to 0. That's when the real fights are going to start.

  3. ymarsakar7:53 AM

    This is literally an emergency rule period under the Stafford Act. ALthough I have no idea how the local State and cities are going to enforce quarantine orders. What are they gonna do, deploy the National Guard to shoot me?

    Well, that is actually what they plan on doing, vs the Deep State insurgents in the USA and Europe and around the world (that may or may not be Flat geoscience wise).

  4. ymarsakar7:55 AM

    I watched Trum's livestreams a few times. He really is ready and calm to pull the plug. He is doing so deliberately under the Stafford Act. I can read his emotions directly, they are crystal clear. And very different from his 2015 years.

    Back when he was ranting against Republicans and talking about Cruz's father being in on the JFK assassination, Trum was like a mad dog, insane at the world, as if he wanted to pull the trigger on a nuclear war or coup de tat. That's how he actually felt, because he was recently briefed on the Deep State's child slavery antics and I had already know it for years before him.

  5. ymarsakar7:58 AM

    Also, I don't need to ask any questions. I know the answers. It is pretty simple why they would want non combatants out of gathering together. Because it is going to be like a Fallujah II operation.

    All kinds of exotic next gen weapons are gonna be used. They don't know what will happen.

    Do you know what will happen if a DEW hits a stadium full of people watching a game?

    Do you know what will happen when they activate the assassin slave alters and triggers, if people are in churches, unarmed?

    I do, it's obvious. No need for questions.

  6. ymarsakar8:00 AM

    Also, just a minor addition. The reason why I call Trum, the President of the USA, is because his actions have earned him a few extra letters. DJTrum !

    That's even better than his last letter p.

    As I said, when he acts like a President or when he starts killing the evil, I'll start treating him like one.

  7. ymarsakar8:23 AM

    Wish well of the Canadians... they are in a much tougher situation.


  8. Christopher B: I agree completely.

  9. They cannot keep people locked up till we have R0. especially as hospitals seem to be a vector. Are we concentrating the most severe strains in hospital , and killing off the least severe in home quarantine? If one infected person remains, when the lockdown is lifted, the whole cycle states again.

    I still don't buy the need- every bit of data published shows this virus is doing exactly what the flu does every year- ie, pulling forward the deaths of people who are in bad shape anyway. Check the latest NY data,. And yes, there are outliers, just like the flu- but keeping people locked up so they cannot get immunity to it,and concentrating the worst cases seems like a bad idea- if indeed there is a more virulent strain, and it comes back onto a population that has not acquired immunity from the mild strain, then we are in trouble.

  10. Grim.....heard through a relative that the Georgia lockdown has rather dramatic conditions, up to confiscating chilluns riding with parents if the trip is "un-necessary."


  11. Nobody seriously thinks the tiny local police force can or will enforce the order. Instead there's a nearly unified social consensus enforcing it.

    That's how policing is supposed to work, anyway. The cops shouldn't be left to operate in isolation; us private citizens need to be right beside them, if not in front.

    Eric Hines

  12. There’s been some unreliable reporting from Georgia. I’m not sure what to believe. On the other hand, I hold Kemp in contempt precisely for his comfort with abuse of power.

  13. Raven - "every bit of data published shows this virus is doing exactly what the flu does every year- ie, pulling forward the deaths of people who are in bad shape anyway."

    That is an absolute statement and so already suspect on that basis. Whenever I catch myself making absolute statements, I back off quickly, wondering if I have talked myself into something. I think you are talking yourself in to something.

    There is plenty out there that suggests it's not just people who were going to die in the next year or two anyway. If you want a skeptic who doesn't believe much of anyone, but is very smart and thinks this a=is a big deal, I suggest Greg Cochrane over at West Hunter.

  14. I think Raven's description is close to what this virus is doing MOST of the time. Unfortunately there's no denying that it's doing something on the margins that's quite different.

    There are good signs that we're moving toward an effective vaccine (or several), that some treatments are remarkable effective in many, many cases, and that convalescent serum may work. If those signs prove out, we'll be well on our way to this becoming much more like an ordinary flu. But we're not there yet. Right now it's still too much like falling asleep in bed with a lit cigarette. It probably will put itself out, but it might take down the whole apartment building. Some things have to be nipped in the bud until you can be more sure.

  15. ymarsakar7:09 AM

    Georgia's Kemp is... not sure what is going on with that puppet. But his brain is probably surprised and panicking right now.

    He might as well be a Demoncrat, that was not in the loop for Corona de population plan.

  16. ymarsakar7:13 AM

    wondering if I have talked myself into something.

    I wrote that I wouldn't remember what was going on with that.

    So let's go with this. Every human is not always capable of being self aware and self disciplined enough to discern what is Reality from what is Plato's shadows on a cave wall.

    Raven has correctly noted a discrepancy between expectation and data. I know why people expect it, but they are not always of why they do things. This is due to unconscious control of the mind by foreign elements.

  17. ymarsakar7:18 AM

    Unfortunately there's no denying that it's doing something on the margins that's quite different.

    This has to do with the Q anon intel drops (or psych warfare ops). Meaning, more stuff is going on than just a normal cold penumonia like Corona whatever. There are more strands involved than 19. There are other vectors to consider, such as people smuggling in Covid19 into Wuhan, in December of last year.

    Basically, stuff is layered and the main sewer media, as usually, does not know anything. The information American analysts are using to analyze this event is... contaminated.
