Ad Auctoritati

I started not going out back on the 7th of March. In the time since then I have left my property on now five occasions, two of which were motorcycle rides in the mountains, one of which was a motorcycle ride to town to check the post office and gas up, and two of which were trips to the county dump. I could have skipped the motorcycle rides, but they were through open country air and I enjoyed them.

Today's trip to the dump (and the post office) was the first one of these made under the lockdown order. I told my wife that I hadn't minded at all engaging in all this isolation when it was my decision to do it, but now that someone is trying to tell me that I have to do it I find myself rebelling against it internally. I'm still doing it freely -- it was my decision to start with -- but suddenly I'm aware of a prick of irritation that wasn't there before. I suppose that is just my nature.

Speaking of arguments against authority, read Eli Lake today on how the FBI has proven it cannot be trusted to surveil Americans. I've met Eli a couple of times over the years. He seems like a solid investigator of these sorts of issues, and -- unlike me -- not inclined to oppose authority just by instinct. His questions are always informed, good ones.

I happen to agree with him here, but of course I do.


  1. ymarsakar6:33 PM

    What I was bothered by was how lew rockwell and other anti war libertarians, had no proof that under Bush II, the whole reading your library loan list, was somehow an abuse on civil liberties.

    Of course things would go worse under Demoncrat Hussein. I expected that. They weren't up in arms when .... what was that woman's name, somebody at a Garden, when she was accused of insider whatever trading and got caught by the good old FBI trick of "interviewing" her and obtaining her cooperation. They did not record the conversation, caught her in a so called lie, and instead of prosecuting her for insider trading, she was prosecuted for some kind of justice obstruction or lying to a federal investigator. Ok.

    So where as lewrockwell and anti war guys then, did they use anything to attack the FBI at that time? They were as far as I know, completely AWOL from the war front.

    I was paying very close attention throughout the Bush II 2001-2007 years. No where close to what was going on under the table after Hussein took over. These protests are... they're just smoke screens. They are disinformation campaigns.

  2. ymarsakar6:35 PM

    The FBI had internal traitors, since even before Waco 1.

    That's a fact. How is it all those civil liberty lawyers and protesters didn't realize it? Because they, just like the FISA courts, served the same Deep State, one way or another.

    That's how these traitors are where they are. Their opponents... are their servants. The real opponents, they get rid of.

  3. After reading amazing claims this week from people who supposedly knew all about the virus threat in early January, but for unknown reasons failed to mention it for the next 6-8 weeks, I checked my calendar. In late February it wasn't on my radar as a personal threat. By March 3 I was starting to think about avoiding crowds. I drove to San Antonio on March 4 with some reluctance to attend a convention, and by that time was consciously washing my hands and not hugging or shaking hands. I attended one last non-obligatory meeting on March 11, avoiding touching anyone, then skipped a gathering on March 12 that I'd been looking forward to. Since then I've been extremely careful. That's about the time we started paying attention to stocking up.

    I know no one who was doing anything concrete in February, let alone January. The press are shameless, in case we didn't already know that.

  4. Here’s someone who was:

    That same day my wife bought out our local Lowe’s of N95s, and spent an extra $600 on groceries like dry beans and canned meat. I thought she was overreacting at the time.

  5. ymarsakar8:08 AM

    Of course people were doing stuff concrete in January. The preppers I know, would have been figuring out what stuff they will need. Some have an instinct for it almost.

    Many of them function on intuition and the guidance of a Holy Spirit, not on what the world society tells them.

    Almost, I find it funny I wrote a comment there about the same thing.

    I didn't say to stock up because... it's not like I had any more space to stock stuff up. The only thing I am missing now is probably a solar generator for my PC if power goes out. Not going to have any heated water but... hey it is the spring, it ain't that serious.
