Yes, we'll have no virus

Russia has almost no coronavirus to speak of, but a strangely high incidence of pneumonia. Doctors are warning that it's time to get ready for the Italian scenario, but in the meantime as long as they don't call it coronavirus, it's all good. Call it a "banana." We're going to get another horrible demonstration in how societies with different levels of trust and transparency deal with crises. I hope we draw the right lesson.


  1. We have high transparency and interestingly high levels of distrust. Its almost as if actions and character matter.

    We have quite transparently leaped into a massive liquidity injection for the banks, and a not so massive liquidity injection to the masses. We offer a mere pittance of $367B of $6T to the shopkeepers ruined by this panic.

    Wuhan you know is the replacement Detroit, really the Great Lakes industrial region in its heyday. So this would be like shutting down Detroit in 1944, given our WW2 levels of debt.
    Combined with Just In Time supply the actual panic may well have been financial.

    Then they so frightened everyone the government felt compelled to shut down the nation. Now if you listen to MSM they’re coming round to realize the overreaction went too far.

    Well we shall see.

    Let me say transparency is overrated.
    Tell me what transparency has done for us?

    Transparency is a mere feature. It is not character, it is not strength.

  2. ymarsakar5:14 AM

    Russia has almost no coronavirus to speak of, but a strangely high incidence of pneumonia.

    Humanity's entire understanding of virology is incorrect or at least very much incomplete. As modern medicine looks to mercury and leeches as primitive treatment, so do the future of humanity look to 21st century "virology".
