This is what I like to see

More like this, as Instapundit says:  factories shift production to emergency items in short supply.


  1. ymarsakar11:20 AM

    This is a pretty clever inside trading op, that also has various other simultaneous benefits to the Deep State/alliance of evil.

    I refer to the general economic V turn, of course. The basic economic strength of USA was extremely strong, which is why February/Jan saw a huge increase in stock prices. The huge V slips during the media's fear mongering over China trade, was basically a dry run for the current operation.

    I think of it as Operation Sudden Death.

    By creating a world wide fear scare, the media has helped ensure that the US economy is in a temporary recession. Temporary for the October surprise elections of 2020!

    You see how this works? The leftist alliance is not as toothless and fangless and weak and pathetic as some here wished to believe.

    They have not unleashed even 51% of their true power and strength, although this recent operation has forced them to come out of the shadows. The Deep State's strategic reserves remain untouched, for the most part, although the Alliance has dug out quite a significant chunk of the DS' doomsday weapon triggers.

    This silent and invisible war, continues, as humanity becomes the proxy war for the light and dark gods, as well as the human organizations calling themselves the Anti Cabal Alliance (of American patriots) and the Cabal/Deep State.

    Unlike all previous other invented and created crises, however, this recent one is far more serious and far more real than ever before. Even the elite moguls like Gates, are resigning, quarantining themselves, and riding it out in their deep underground (military) bunkers.

    When the elite bankers are buying up the economic dips and ensuring they have enough solid gold assets to survive a 5-15 year economic destruction created by X, Y, and Z players, what happens to the regular investors? They are forced to cash out or die to the fear panic.

    But it's not just a sudden big V crash and it ends at rock bottom. No, it's always dips, recoveries, and then more dips. It's not that they are making 5-15% every Operation. They are making 5-15% EACH DAY or even EACH HOUR of a trading day. This is not even including the Federal Reserve's kickback schemes of fiat currency.

    And they are making this wealth, by draining it from their human livestock slaves. It is those slaves that make the economic goods that create GDP value and stock investment value after all.

    This time, the Too Big to Fail peeps should be afraid. Because their time is running out. Many of the Elite Cabal of child pedo whatevers, think they can survive this crisis, as they have survived and profited from every other Crisis, such as WW1, WW2, Gulf of Tonkin, etc.

    But, they forgot that they are merely mortal and they do not have the power of the Divine at their backs. Why has the Divine decided now of all times to intercede in human affairs, when all previous attempts ended in disaster or were net neutral? Because humanity has begun to call out and expose the internal problems. Internal problems so big... that even the normal person possessed by Agent Smiths in the Matrix, cannot help avoid realizing that there may be a potential problem in the system. A little bit of shock and trauma, is one thing, as with FDR crashing the economy between WW1 and WW2 while confiscating the gold. That's one thing. This Event is quite another. The cabal are losing control, and they think they can take the Earth with them, as a final "dead man's trigger". Haha.

    Oh, the stuff humans come up with. What they don't comprehend is that while they have kept all of humanity tranquilized, this does not pertain to the new souls incoming. They can put 5g at the schools silently, during this emergency quarantine, but even that won't affect the generations. Earth is, in spiritual terminology, a prison that used to be a school of adventure and fun. The wardens of this place became rather dark and corrupt, and used humanity as livestock to farm fear. Fear being one of the more potent sources of energy, to counter compassion/kindness/love.

  2. ymarsakar11:26 AM

    In order to break this jail wide open, the greatest spirits in all of existence, volunteered to be sent here and to risk being trapped. Amilius/Yehoshua/Yeshua/YHVH. Entire legions of angels and archangels and brothers/sisters of the spirit, came along. It was not just One Adam and One Eve. The Pre Adamic humanity had already been enslaved to flesh and this level. Not even the elohim were immune, as recorded in Enoch's tale of the Fallen Watchers. This place is the lowest pit in all of creation, the dark void of despair that many are trapped within, waiting for Judgment.

    Who are the wardens? Your very own minds and memories are. The ego construct that you created to operate in this world, is what keeps you enslaved. The slave has put on the mental shackles themselves, but believe they are free because they no longer have physical shackles. When the Cabal wants to cattle shock prod a cow, they do so utilizing fear. And when they want to manipulate the economy to redistribute even more wealth to themselves, they also use fear (of Corona). This pattern has been in existence for some time now. Way too long.

    It's time to break free of this prison and jail. Wake up. The world is not what the Authorities told you it was. This is the Red vs Blue pill dynamic and choice.

    Oh I forgot. There's a cheat and loophole. Because this place, what people call Earth, has willingly become a client state of the dark civilizations and gods, the Divine Counsel does not intervene, due to free will violation. First Directive issue, you see, from Star Trek.

    The dark pursue their path by manipulating and misdirecting free will. Take the example of stock investments in the market. Are you free to sell and buy as you wish? Yes. Are you fear from the fear the Cabal used to make people sell in a panic? Nope. Haha. See, that's how it works. It's a loophole. It's one of those things that can be used to bypass the Divine Law from the intent of the rule. They do this not because they have more power, they actually need your permission to do what they do. It is only because they have more knowledge and wisdom. They are not physical in nature, and thus do not incarnate into human or any other avatar. Thus they preserve their knowledge, outside of the Veil of Forgetfulness.

    They are only more powerful than humanity in the same fashion Western colonialists were more powerful than buffalo chasing tribes of America.

    Ah, but if there is a loophole for the Dark, there must also be a loophole for the Light. And there is. The loophole is that the Light Forces are not allowed to intervene, until Earth calls for help but humans do not call for help because they believe everything is nice and dandy, their government can fix this issue. By Majority Decrees, this then is set as the Preference of Earth. However, there is a way around this Majority Decree, and that is the square root of 1% of the population. When any group meets in 3s or 12s or more than 2 at least, they can create a miniature council and call upon the spirits for help. This is not reliable, as many other forces also answer this Call. And humanity, due to lack of wisdom, often cannot differentiate the difference. The best example would be the text humans call the Bible, a set of stories about light and dark entities fighting over Moses and other people/places.

  3. ymarsakar11:42 AM

    The Essenes called it the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness. Which is as accurate as primitive humans back then could conceive of, of course.

    Through this loophole/cheat, enters a very funny way to utilize these rules. An elder civilization, outside of Earth, is not allowed by their own laws to intervene in Earth and human shenanigans. So what choice do they have? They can send volunteers to incarnate, but almost all of them forget their purpose and mission. So they need sleeper cells, and those sleeper cells need logistics and heaven dropped supplies. As the Mana fell from the sky to feed the Hebrews, Moses was supported directly by the Heavens.

    So why don't we just time travel backwards and create a unique genetic lineage of people, called the Hebrews and the children of Abraham, who will create the genetic templates that allow for a higher level entity to come down and fix things directly? Let's forget about the temporal paradoxes, those will crash even my mind. And who will participate in this experiment? Why, the very person that volunteered the idea, will do so. In the realm of Heaven, so to speak, the leaders of the elder civilizations are the most daring, the doers, and not the cowards and corrupt fools that humanity takes for granted as the "Leadership". They lead by example and because of this, they obtain the greatest experience, and thus this qualifies them as the Leaders of the Elder 24 Civilizations (also seen as 24 white haired elders in Revelations)

    So why are things still so bad, even if the living qualities of the house slaves and cattle livestock have improved? Because the Hebrews broke their covenant and did not spread out unto all the Earth. Even when they were scattered to make them spread out, they still refused to spread their Light and genetics amongst the Nations. This scattering was not ideal, but it did serve to spread the Hebrew genetic template amongst all nations by now. Thus the Regathering then must take place. The Regathering of all 12 tribes, and not just the Tribe of Judah and .5 of Benjamin that the nation of Israel was created for.

    This break in the covenant, this "original sin", weighs upon people's subconscious. They become stubborn. They become xenophobic or resistant to advice. The Jews are so stubborn, they say, that they survived every attempt by the world to exterminate them, and they are proud of it. But what they aren't proud of are when they rebelled against YHVH, Yehovah, the Holy One of Israel. Not just once, but more times than that. Even, they refuse to believe. Some have changed their minds, of course, and more will as the evidence keeps unleashing itself.

    By sending a sleeper cell into the prison, as a regular prisoner, there are two end results. The prisoner becomes fully a prisoner and is trapped. Or, the prisoner wakes up and finds a way to break out. By breaking out, that prisoner then can contact the outside world and call in help and bring the knowledge sealed inside, out, and vice a versa. This is the ultimate loophole. If the Divine Forces do not allow themselves to intercede against humanity because of free will, then a human using that free will to allow this intercession... becomes the loophole. Yeshua of Nazareth accomplished his individual spiritual progress, but he failed to bring about the salvation of the world, because the Hebrews rejected their own god. This is why evil still exists. However, not all is lost, the Blood and the DNA still exists, even though it is likely Yeshua never had children by the Magdalene. People merely need to activate that hidden part in their DNA, to follow in the footsteps of the human Yeshua of Nazareth, in achieving what he showed the world what could be. A prison break.

    This is a test. Does humanity have what it takes to generate enough kindness, compassion, and love to save not only themselves but the rest of humanity? We will see. We will Watch.

    Choose wisely.

  4. ymarsakar12:14 PM

    Trum is talking about a vaccine trial. Haha, like I said.

    Fast, too fast, given that Covid1-18 never had vaccines.

    What happened with the Alliance, I wonder. It's like they stopped briefing Trum on certain things. Do they just not know what is going on?

  5. Very good. A harder problem, but still solvable I think, is quickly increasing the output of ventilators, which are fairly complex products. One US company that makes ventilators….Ventec, in Bothell, Washington, says that they could increase production 5X in a 90-120 day period. Hospitals have apparently been reluctant to place orders, out of fear of being caught with expensive equipment they don’t need.

    The US Government should place the orders *now*; they can be switched to the hospitals if the need arises, otherwise, we have a larger strategic stockpile. There are worse things.

    Also, GE Healthcare makes ventilators. Trump should challenge GE to reprise their tremendous achievements during WWII and see how fast they can crank up the ventilator production.

  6. Here's an Italian hospital that ran out of valves for some ICU device, and couldn't get more immediately.

    So, somebody 3-D printed them:

    ...not sure if this would be allowable in the US, given certification requirements for medical equipment and its components.

  7. It certainly would not be allowed (and is no doubt a patent infringement), but should be done anyway. Hopefully we have hospital administrators and government officials who understand that. I wish I had confidence they did.

    A lot of so called shortages are the governors failing to ask the feds for things soon enough. We have *millions* of n95 masks in reserve, both in the FEMA and DOD reserves, and they are available- but they're short on masks in Washington state... I also wonder how much stuff we hear is generated for reasons other than medical- One article said hospitals were reduced to buying masks from companies that supply the construction industry. Well, of course, why wouldn't they? They're the same spec and comply with the same regs. Also, do *states* not have strategic reserves of anything? There was no mention of that in the article.

  8. It may be time to suspend regulations preventing solutions to a public health crisis. Or, you know, repeal them.

  9. raven3:29 PM

    Is there a crisis? I posted this on another blog, though you might have some thoughts here-

    I am getting whiplash. Doom ,or nothing-burger?

    And I am getting suspicious this whole damned thing is an psychological and economic operation being run on us. We are being played. I think this may be the biggest con job ever run.

    No doubt people are dying from the virus, we know because we are LOOKING FOR IT. But given that nearly all the dead are elderly, and compromised, if this disease had not been publicized so much,especially out of China, would we even notice, or just assign it to a bad flu season?

    Look where the western numbers are- a cruise ship filled with the old, a nursing home filled with the old and very compromised, and Northern Italy where reports are all the dead are over 80 and compromised. The impression is this is just "forward demand" on all those who would die anyway in the next year. Iran? They all seem to be old too.

    Initially, the Wuhan Show was terrifying- the bio hazard suits, the giant defoggers in the streets, the guys with wands disinfecting, like something out of a film. Gee, this must be REALLY SERIOUS! I was sold, signed right up to buy it.

    One thing about Wuhan- nobody really knows what the hell is going on there- there could be 100,000 people dead in their apartments, which was my original take- but they could also be filled with pissed off hungry people with head colds. Are they running an operation on us? If they wanted to attack our economy, would they do anything different?

    I am convinced that these shutdowns will not stop the Virus of Dubious Lethality and at best, extend it's duration in the population,(as soon as they let up on restrictions it will come roaring back) and that the economic effects will absolutely dwarf any medical issues from it.

    The main thing though is political- it has given countless Government agencies an excuse to explore the depths to which they can go enacting edicts on the population.

  10. Also, do *states* not have strategic reserves of anything?

    One thing I read (exactly where is lost in the underbrush of my browser history) says that the States' emergency plans rely heavily on getting help from other States. So Alabama, for example, doesn't need a strategic reserve of fire-fighting equipment because in case of bad fires here, other States will send equipment. It makes sense for a lot of cases but by definition it doesn't make sense for contagious diseases.

    And I do think we need to bend or break some regulations in an emergency and clean up the results later.

  11. I felt a lot of foreboding when Ebola broke out brief in the U.S. some years back. It turned out OK; Ebola actually is pretty hard to spread. But it also eats up vast quantities of medical resources, and it seemed clear to me that even a moderate spread would overwhelm our medical system. That's what scares me about Wuhan virus. I hope this will teach us to have a greater strategic reserve of viral drugs and ventilators.

    I'm guardedly optimistic about the countries whose infection rates are starting to flatten out. We're not out of the woods yet, but so many people get this thing and have minor or at least not very scary symptoms that I'm hoping herd immunity can be achieved before our ICUs crumple under the weight. The economic hit will be severe but, I hope, we will rebound quickly.

  12. ymarsakar1:57 PM

    I am getting whiplash.

    Recall what I wrote here to Raven back when he said he sold all his stock investments on Thursday/Friday.

    As for whip lash, that's why it is easy to make money. Make as much money off of each other people's fear, donate it to groups fighting the Cabal or just ensure your own family has what they need with 2k USD + solar generators. For you know, when the sun turns off, and computers stop working, and stuff like that.

    This is not immediate. But it is close, at least this year if not the next. Humanity has 2 years at best, 1 year at most. Best to fix everything within 1 year. If it goes any longer, I am unsure if people's hearts or investment accounts, can take it.

    50% drop in stock value over a week? 10-20% stock value rise in 3 hours of trading? Talk about Get Rich Quick schemes!

  13. ymarsakar2:01 PM

    We are being played. I think this may be the biggest con job ever run.

    As I said, this is just the prologue.

    These events are easily predicted by analysts at my level, that use the tools that I use.

    That's why I don't work for neither Cabal nor Alliance. They are still limited by human tech and shenanigans.

    How did I know there would be a crash in February, when stock prices were at all time? How did I know the governments and corps would be shut down and "crash"?

    Heh, it's obvious. Just look at Pluto and Capricorn. It's so obvious. Even the scriptures of humanity, called the bible, that Text of the Word, said stars were created to be guides. And a star guided the 3 Magi over, certainly they knew what was going on several regions away in Persia, just by looking at the stars. And the disciples often said the stars spoke to them.

    To clarify, the stars were not created by mankind. They were, if anything, created by elohim, the gods. Humanity only pretends to think they know what the stars are.

  14. ymarsakar2:05 PM

    Also, if people want to know what the Cabal are up to, I recommend taking the vaccine for Covid, which was never been successfully produced for Covid 1-18.

    So when they "successfully" run a vaccine in less than 6 months, when it usually takes 10-12... heh. Guess what.

    This is why I use alternative healing, and not hospitals or Western medicine.

    They were always going to pull the "mandatory vaccine" bullsh again. And I know a lot more about vaccine problems than most Americans stuck on false media narratives about what they term "anti vaxxers", sorta like "Tea Party baggers" and "deplorables". Americans don't believe the media... except for 80% of the time that They DO.

  15. ymarsakar2:11 PM

    Watching Trum's yesterday session (which has produced a real market rally now), he keeps referring not to Covid 19 but to the Invisible Enemy.

    This is the Invisible War that I referred to. Trum is fighting an enemy other than China or Covid 19. He is fighting the Cabal. He seems to know something too, esp when he says he has to shut down the best economy USA has ever had, in order to save people from lots of fatalities. But notice... he does not say where those fatalities will come from. haha.

    This is all very clever and interesting. They can't write thriller novels like this.
