The War on Deplorables

Steve Hayward reminds us that the war on traditional citizens leads to strange intra-party politics that make it hard for a party to nominate a candidate with broad appeal, and have been doing so periodically for half a century at least:
A concession Jesse Jackson won at the [1988] Democratic National Convention was a substantial reduction in the number of “superdelegates”—the governors, state legislators, and congressmen recently introduced into the convention process. Another concession reduced the proportion of votes a candidate required to qualify for delegates and did away with “winner-take-all” primaries. This rule change will encourage factionalism by making it worthwhile for candidates to stay in the race longer so as to amass a larger force of delegates. More factions and fewer coalitions, I am afraid, are in store. Thus the desire of party activists to adopt more egalitarian policies, or their inability to reject egalitarian mechanisms—take your pick—will give egalitarians a greater voice in conventions to come. Not every future Democratic presidential nominee need be strongly egalitarian, but no one obnoxious to egalitarians will get far.

1 comment:

  1. ymarsakar10:47 PM

    Reminds me of Utah War of 1857 and the Kansas vs Missouri, Abolitionist vs Slaver, ethnic cleansing campaign.

    US Civil War 1 paid the cost, as Abraham Lincoln knew very well at the end, of what Satan/slavery/Cabal type shenanigans had brought to the country, but the issue was never completely settled. How can it, given the regeneration of evil.

    Evil cannot be destroyed because both light and darkness composes energy, and energy has always existed. Or in other words, it cannot be destroyed. Evil can turn to good and good turn to evil. This is the endless dance of light and dark, yin and yang.
