The Liberation of Sarah Palin

If I were to guess, I'd say that Ms. Palin was always a Sir Mixalot fan but long felt she had to keep that aspect of her personality private. Now that her political career is over, well, she's free at last.

That looks like a completely ridiculous TV show, but I have gotten the impression that such things are common now.


  1. It is a ridiculous show, but it has a saving grace; it does not pretend that it is anything else but a ridiculous show. Pure entertainment for those who like it with no moral or political preaching.

  2. Anonymous5:27 PM

    There's a lot to be said for pure fun. Sort of like "popcorn" novels - there's a time and a place where they are just what you want and need, be they romances, thrillers, adventure stories, or humor.


  3. I'm kind of happy for her, really. She seems to be having a great time, and no longer having to carry anyone's expectations for her. She's free to be herself, even if that means she likes to sing songs about butts loudly while dressed as a teddy bear.

    It's not for me, but you know, she does seem to be having fun. Why shouldn't she get to have fun? She had a lot of meanness dumped on her for a long time that she did not deserve.

  4. Ymar Sakar12:26 PM

    Odd... compared to who? Am i a joke to existence now.

    She is downright normal vs me
