The End of the Russian Part of the Russian Saga

Prosecutors abandon trying to prove that the Mueller-indicted Russians were guilty of the alleged crimes. The Russians were eager to contest the charges and demanded their day in court rapidly. The US government delayed and delayed, and now has decided to drop the prosecution.

The US has already abandoned the claim in open court that the Russian government had anything to do with the indicted Russians.


  1. ymarsakar11:28 PM

    It doesn't really matter. So long as the Deep State lives, or what Americans call the Deep State even though they are lacking accurate intel on the DS, you won't get rid of them.

    How do people get rid of the DS? Afaik, killing them is the only effective albeit temporary solution. And the problem is that people cannot or will not kill them. Shrugs.

  2. Tell me again how brilliant Mueller and his gang of legal thugs were.
