Rebooting the economy

It doesn't always go well.


  1. There are definitely some psychological effects that we are going to run up against sooner or later. Even the Chinese run into their limits for obeying authorities at times; and in India, they've instructed the police to physically beat people who defy the orders. State-endorsed police brutality not only causes but merits insurrection.

  2. ymarsakar5:12 AM

    As I have said, China is going to be reformed and I will watch it happen.

    This is where the totalitarian states are pushed to the limit. The dark go darker and the light then is contrasted more sharply. If humanity is kept fat and happy as livestock on a farm, they will not rebel. Only when you prod them and push them too much, will they wake the heck up. This not an angelic plan nor is it the strategic method of the more advanced spiritual guides or civilizations. It is, however, a balanced one.

    It is not good or evil. It is balanced. It is not light or dark, it is both. If humanity wants more Light, that depends on their choices.

  3. ymarsakar6:09 AM

    Also, the economy will ultimately be rebooted but not in the way people think.

    Digital currency? Removal of fiat currency? World economic reset?

    Flat tax?

    It is when the status quo systems are crashing, that it is the best time for revolutionaries to implement radical changes.

    Counter arguments: No radical changes will be made by keyboard warriors online.

    Y: Well, the US President and Space Force are not online keyboards technically.

  4. Eric Blair9:44 PM

    I like the article that claimed 21 *million* cell phone accounts closed in January and February of this year in China.

    I don't know what to make of that.

  5. It's from a Falun Gong paper (Epoch Times), but that doesn't mean it's false.

    On the other hand, China might have closed them to prevent people from making calls out. Suppressing the story seems more likely than 21 million dead, at least at this point in the epidemic.

  6. ymarsakar6:57 AM

    The Falun Gong persecuted founders of Epoch Times (not all the reporters/Westerners are falun gong practitioners although it would fit) are most likely the only reliable ones reporting on China. It ain't the main sewer media.

    Those 21 million were most likely "firewalled" for the safety of the state, because they were using their phones to share information about the casualties. So China just cut them off, the same way facebook deletes your (America's) posts about conspiracies and Flat Earth theories.

  7. ymarsakar6:59 AM

    What some people don't understand is that China is very close to a digital totalitarian regime, not just a physical totalitarian regime like North Korea. In order to buy and sell almost anything online or offline, including rent, medicine, and train tickets, your "social credit ID" must be in good standing.

    You are NOT in good standing if you try to destabilize the regime by showing transparency on Corona whatever.
